Example sentences of "a commitment to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even having made a commitment to the climb , the option of retreat is always open if you sense the temperature is too high or the snow conditions dangerous .
2 I 'd made a commitment to the Branch Secretaries and to the Representatives that there will be a full Representatives Conference of which those proposals will be debated and discussed .
3 Jackson ( 1973 : 145 ) shows that these interests were hidden by the demands of style , as in the semi-detached properties which employed a basic frame but added a spurious individuality on the façade in order to make the house more attractive to prospective buyers , or the modernist-style buildings , which proclaimed their scientific nature to the degree that elements of the internal construction which would not normally have been visible were externalized onto the façade to display a commitment to the appropriation of new technologies .
4 The parties will want a commitment to the buy-out as soon as possible after the commercial negotiations have been completed .
5 Rather , your problem is one of why you find it difficult to make a commitment to the relationship .
6 It allows business people and those in higher education to demonstrate an interest and a commitment to the work of young people in schools .
7 The WTA like the Holiday Fellowship was rooted in a commitment to the work ethic and the progressive movement .
8 In its inception and philosophy the WTA embodied national anxieties over the future stability of Europe , stating in its objectives a commitment to the promotion of a lasting international peace through the ideals of the newly formed League of Nations .
9 It requires a commitment to the art of loving and experiencing feeling that many women but few men are prepared to make .
10 All have a commitment to the company 's continued success .
11 He did not express , however , a commitment to the continuation of a multiparty system .
12 Such a task for sociology may appear reasonable and innocuous , particularly in societies which embrace a commitment to the principle of using knowledge for practical purposes and not to any principle of knowledge for knowledge 's sake' .
13 The main outcome of the meeting was a commitment to the principle that the CSCE should have a peacekeeping capability .
14 Under the leadership of Hugh Gaitskell , the Labour Party was dominated by a " revisionism " that edged away from socialism and dropped a commitment to the nationalisation of private industry .
15 One could only hope that they would ; at any rate , they were a relatively safe form of experimentation in power sharing which , unlike a commitment to the development of parliamentary institutions , could if necessary be abandoned .
16 And my plea would be that we do everything we possibly can and that 's why I found the quotation from scripture in this section so apposite , that we do everything we possibly can in grace and love and truth to help people to enter into a commitment to the ministry of the whole people of God .
17 But the essential conservatism of UDC thinking is revealed in the fact that , apart from a footnote on women 's suffrage , the only addition made to a platform written within weeks of the outbreak of war was a commitment to the defence of free trade .
18 Now , they want to make a commitment to the child they handed back .
19 He added that £10m had been invested in equipment and there was a commitment to the future ; growing export markets , particularly in Japan , were being exploited and the quarry would be Bethesda 's main employer for some time .
20 ‘ The past exists in every stepfamily but a remarriage is a commitment to the future
21 Meanwhile , the probable and longer-term human consequences of a growing emphasis upon the efficient competitive selection and of a commitment to the formula ( IQ + Effort = Merit ) disconcerted those who had been content to march under the banners of equal educational opportunity , free access to grammar schools , and the end of nepotism .
22 With the passage of the Single European Act much broader social issues were addressed , with a commitment to the harmonisation of national provisions in regard to health , safety , environmental and consumer protection ( Arts 100a and 118a ) , and to policies fostering " the economic and social cohesion of the Community " ( Arts 130a-130e ) .
23 Equally important , Fforde finds a commitment to the market economy and laissez-faire embedded in the party 's grass roots , and in particular in the outlook of the most traditional Conservative interest , the land .
24 Nonetheless , CUP is currently printing certain titles locally , not only ‘ to beat the pirates at their own game ’ but also ‘ to symbolise a commitment to the market ’ .
25 Such a commitment to the environment is , none the less , both welcome and necessary if resources are to be made available to tackle existing , let alone forthcoming , environmental problems .
26 Now I am trying to find about half-a-dozen Welsh-based companies with a commitment to the environment to give say £250–£300 each towards its production .
27 I am now trying to find about half-a-dozen Welsh-based companies with a commitment to the environment to give say £250–£300 each towards its production .
28 Both interpretations of liberalism take as their starting-point a commitment to the value of individual liberty .
29 At the same time it gave a signal to aspiring heads that a commitment to the improvement of education had to be accompanied by a capacity to marshal minds and money .
30 A loss had been turned to a profit and teamwork has led to empowered people with a commitment to the business .
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