Example sentences of "a reference to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 15.21 — 8 ; Mark 7.24–30 ) , the commissioning to preach of the much-married Samaritan woman ( John 4.7–42 ) ; the acceptance of the ointment of blessing from the sinful woman ( Luke 7.36–50 ) , and the close association with Mary Magdalene , a woman described as having been healed by him from seven demons ( probably a reference to convulsive disease : Luke 8.
2 ( 8 ) Until the date of the first renewal of licences provisionally granted under subsection ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) above after those licences have been declared final , subsections ( 2 ) to ( 5 ) of section 30 of this Act shall have effect in relation to those licences with the substitution in subsection ( 3 ) of section 30 of a reference to one year instead of the reference to three years .
3 A communiqué issued on behalf of the Council 's 27 members on Sept. 11 ignored a reported Turkish demand for a reference to armed intervention against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ( FRY ) , opting instead to press the UN Security Council to take " necessary measures " to stop Serbian " aggression against the sovereign state of Bosnia-Hercegovina " .
4 In order to avoid this result the draftsman should define a reference to an Act of Parliament etc as including a reference to that Act etc as amended or re-enacted from time to time .
5 A reference to that office is made only where an inquiry concludes that an offence may have been committed .
6 I have had a reference to bovine excrement splashed in red ink across an entire manuscript page .
7 The phrase ‘ no action shall be brought ’ is too specific a reference to legal process for that to be a tenable construction .
8 Under section 6(1) of the Act a court will not be able to pass a community sentence unless it is of the opinion that the offence ( or the combination of any two of the offences concerned ) is sufficiently serious to justify such a sentence ( it is a question of argument whether this is a reference to any kind of community sentence , or to the particular kind of community sentence which the court has in mind ) .
9 ( 3 ) A reference to any provision of an Act of Parliament includes a reference to any statutory modification or re-enactment of that provision for the time being in force .
10 This is not a reference to any pet the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger may have had but rather to a ‘ thought experiment ’ he proposed ( a thought experiment is one that can not actually be performed , but the examination of which can reveal scientific truths — or , at least , plausibilities ) .
11 On the semantic level , thirdly , it has been observed that even though infinitives have no endings for person or number , they do have " a reference to some subject … ; though their grammatical dependence connects them frequently with some other term " ( Brown 1884 : 337 ) .
12 The presence of generalized person in the infinitive also explains how this verb form can be " without person or number " and yet have " a reference to some subject " ( Brown 1884 : 336 – 7 ) : the fact that the infinitive does contain a support gives rise to the impression that the event is referred to a " potential subject " , that is , to what would have been the subject had the verb been finite .
13 As soon as you hear a reference to Third World you know what it means even if some of its shades of meaning are deleterious to your grand hopes of creating One World out of its lunatic divisions and separatisms .
14 Coleridge admired the early poems , with reservations , and one of his many projected schemes was : ‘ to analyse the pleasures received from Gates , in corners of fields , at twilight ’ ( Notebooks 1794–1804 : 1707 with a reference to this extract from An Evening Walk ) .
15 The social workers speak a language of " task-centred social work " — a reference to a course of programmed activities with clients ; the nurses speak of behavioural change programmes — again , a reference to sustained work with clients , although not entirely identical to social work approaches .
16 When describing the person in question , a reference to physical appearance is often made showing that physical appearance is very important .
17 The latter question is , obviously , a reference to public sector financial accountability , which is , in practice , a vaguer and less tangible concept .
18 Nor should you begin with a reference to spontaneous symmetry breaking .
19 A reference to British Steel was something the punters would relate to , much to the dealers ' amusement .
20 There is a reference to social class disadvantages in the English report , but overall there is no clear target group .
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