Example sentences of "a statement [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The coup was declared illegal by the government and its allies , among them France , the French officer responsible for presidential security declaring the coup unlawful in a statement made at the main square in Moroni , the capital .
2 In accordance with general practice in Jamaica the prosecution disclosed to the defence the depositions of those witnesses taken at the committal hearing , but not their earlier statements to the police ; they did not disclose to the defence before or during the trial a statement made to the police by the deceased 's husband and two statements made by the deceased 's sister , relating to incidents not covered in their depositions , which were inconsistent with their evidence at trial .
3 No statement which you make during the interview may be given in evidence against you unless : ( a ) you are prosecuted for making a statement which is false or misleading in a material particular ; or ( b ) you are prosecuted for some other offence and when giving evidence , you make a statement which is inconsistent with a statement made during the interview .
4 The question of whether a statement made during the course of negotiations remains a mere representation or becomes a contractual term , turns on the intention of the parties .
5 The prosecution tried to rebutt this defence by offerring evidence of a statement made by the defendant to the police in which he inferred that he wanted to get rid of the person he attacked .
6 I know from a statement made by the Secretary of State in response to the Independent article , a copy of which I have here .
7 On December 29th , in response to ‘ provocations and threats made by the Soviet military leadership ’ , the foreign ministers of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania issued a statement calling on the Soviet Union to renounce the use of ‘ further military force ’ against the Baltic countries .
8 The PLO Central Council convened in Tunis on Oct. 11-12 and issued a statement calling on the UN Security Council ( already in session on the issue — see below ) to " move vigorously and promptly to contain the Israeli sequence of terror against our Palestinian people " .
9 She released a statement calling for the international community to make good a US$70,000,000 shortfall in the US$376,000,000 of aid planned for victims of famine and war in the Horn of Africa .
10 Four days later a statement emanating from the State Department expressed confidence in General Hodge and affirmed the American objective in Korea as the attainment of a free , united , sovereign nation with a democratic form of government reflecting the will of the Korean people .
11 At the trial of two eleven year old boys accused of murdering the toddler James Bolger the court has heard a statement given to the police by James 's mother Denise .
12 Friends of the Earth Ghana has issued a statement protesting against the export of hazardous pesticides from the US to developing countries .
13 A statement sent to the Tunis bureau of the Agence France-Presse news agency on June 9 claimed responsibility for the killing on behalf of the Fatah Revolutionary Council , the Palestinian faction led by Abu Nidal .
14 The slow deliberacy with which the wife commences her reply , with not a hint of offence in her reaction but rather a hint of care in selecting the right mode of reply , emphasizes her willingness to converse on the topic : So does her subsequent appropriation of a rhetorical device , the occupatio , a statement emphasized by the speaker feigning unwillingness or lack of freedom to express it : The monk too takes a moment 's pause before replying : again seeming to digest the implications of the wife 's words , or ( and ? ) to express , silently but with an eloquent action , astonishment at the wife 's ready invitation to him to continue to converse on this topic .
15 That law would permit such an authority to rely upon presumed injury to its reputation because the defendant , who had accomplished a statement reflecting upon the reputation of the local authority , would have to prove the truth if he sought to justify the publication ; and , if he had commented adversely upon the conduct of the council , he would have to prove the substantial truth of the facts upon which the comment was based .
16 However it is clearly desirable that where such a statement is to be made in writing it should be in the same form as a statement written by the suspect following an interview , i.e. a statement under caution in compliance with paragraph C12. 13 and Annex D.
17 Common sense told me the news would break sooner or later , even if it was n't until my funeral , so on first being diagnosed , I had rung Clifford , with a statement to give to the press , should it become necessary , to the effect that my job was to make people forget their problems and not to talk about mine .
18 Such a statement flies in the face of the types of acrylic primers offered to artists who wish to over paint in oils .
19 According to a statement received by the weekly Oiga , Salinas accepted responsibility for the coup attempt and declared that its aim had been to hand over the presidency to Máximo San Román Cáceres , Fujimori 's dismissed First Vice-President named " constitutional president " by the dissolved Congress [ see p. 38846 ] .
20 a statement signed by the subscribers to the memorandum
21 Lieutenant Colonel Bob Stewart , Cheshires ' Commanding Officer , said in a statement read at the inquest that he believed the fatal shot may have been fired by either a Moslem or Croat gunman acting on his own initiative .
22 In a statement read to the court , Shooter described his crime as ‘ a cry for help from someone who could no longer handle the pressures of life ’ .
23 In a statement read to the inquest , she told how her husband of 11 years had been having difficulty sleeping , but had never talked of suicide .
24 A statement read to the coroner from Richard 's family doctor said he 'd been expelled from Millfield for throwing a brick through a teacher 's window .
25 In a statement read to the inquest he said Gary knew he would not survive his injuries .
26 Mr Hedley , 43 , in a statement read to the jury trying Paul Magee , 42 , and Michael O'Brien , 32 , who deny murdering Mr Goodman and trying to murder three other policemen last June , described what happened next .
27 In a statement broadcast on the same day Lekhanya revealed that the Military Council had requested Moshoeshoe to take a " brief sabbatical " in the United Kingdom .
28 In response to the events in Skanderbeg Square , Alia announced in a statement broadcast on the evening of Feb. 20 that he had decided to assume the " direction of affairs of state " himself , and to form a Presidential Council and a new government , in view of the gathering political crisis and the threat to " national freedom , independence and sovereignty " .
29 A statement produced at the end of a Cabinet meeting of the Turkish Cypriot administration on Aug. 27 rejected Resolution 774 as not constituting " a healthy contribution to the Cyprus negotiating process " .
30 Similarly in Newell v. Hicks ( 1983 D.C. ) a false statement offering to supply a free gift with a purchase of goods ( when in fact it was not free ) was held not to fall within section 14 because it was a statement relating to the supply of goods and therefore did not relate to the provision of services or facilities .
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