Example sentences of "a change in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 One tangible response to the need for improved responsiveness has been a change in approach to how organisational structures facilitate the company 's mission .
2 This Act , however , allowed the establishment of forest reserves and marked a change in attitude to the nation 's forests which had hitherto been considered as inexhaustible .
3 The opening phase of the war , however , produced domestic difficulties and grievances not dissimilar to those experienced by Edward 's father and grandfather ; and it was only with the military successes and material gains of the 1340s that a change in attitude to war amongst both the nobility and the commons became apparent .
4 But the campaigns of the 1340s have a wider significance , for they mark the beginning of a change in attitude to foreign war amongst the English nobility .
5 But perhaps worst of all , it has been clearly demonstrated that while a change in attitudes to a brand or product can precede a purchase of that brand , it can equally well follow the purchase : does attitude change influence a purchase , or does it merely result from it ? — since people often feel the need to justify a purchase , especially a major purchase , after they have made it .
6 • From a change in programme to a faulty projection bulb , your Meeting Service Manager will fix it , promptly and discreetly .
7 Interestingly , the loss of responsiveness in the cells is correlated with a change in appearance to human observers looking at the stimuli through a similarly sized aperture .
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