Example sentences of "and care for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The entire burden of hatching , feeding and caring for the young cuckoo falls on the hapless foster parents .
2 When we have left behind the turbulence of adolescence and shed some of the more harrowing demands of responsibility for making careers and caring for the next generation , we may seek opportunities to assess our lives and face its later stages with some serenity .
3 Those of you who know me from my earlier scribblings in PFK will be well aware of my feelings in relation to our responsibilities to do our best to maintain and care for the delicate marine creatures we take from the wild .
4 They look after the nest , collect food and care for the young .
5 The Duchess of Gloucester , as Patron , visits the offices of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
6 11 October : The Duchess of Gloucester , Patron of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , today visited the Counsel 's new offices at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
7 Details of provision can be obtained from social services and from organisations such as Counsel and Care for the Elderly and GRACE .
8 Whatever level of public expenditure proves practicable , and however it is distributed , the primary source of support and care for the elderly people are informal and voluntary …
9 It included beggars homes , hostels for children and working girls and care for the elderly .
10 We do not want them to inherit all our problems when it is their responsibility to create the wealth and care for the increased number of elderly and aged people in this country .
11 I said I understood this , but did not add that I had been told of the beauty of these women and their attention to make-up , of their fine skin and care for the traditional in their clothes and way of life .
12 In the House there is a tendency to think that the experience of unemployment , and care for the unemployed , rest exclusively with Opposition Members .
13 It invites denigration , even denial , of the link between physical care and care for the whole person whose body needs tending , and therefore of the knowledge and skill which such activities may require .
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