Example sentences of "and stay [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 this company moves at such a rapid rate of knots that I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Managing Director Building and Property Development at his house in Pitlochrie which is the only time he 's literally coming back to change his shirt before he goes wandering round the world again so the only way I can get him is to go up and stay with the in-laws over night and see him at breakfast time tomorrow .
2 I mean do we want to go and stay with the children at camp or shall we stay home ?
3 He was sorry he 'd forgotten to pay Betty any money last year , but could he come and stay for a while and pay her then ?
4 His family used to come and stay for a week every year in a cottage across the dale and Martin would come and visit me on a regular basis .
5 I 'll go and stay at a hotel in some quite other place , somewhere I 've never been before .
6 Various suggestions were made , and the final plan was that Patsy , her husband and their two little boys should come and stay in a hotel in our village for the weekend .
7 After that Corbett just had to wait , pleased to rest and stay in the monastery where he felt secure and safe .
8 The trend for women to enter and stay in the labour market is probably irreversible .
9 In every case , the purchaser had visited and stayed at the site before buying .
10 However , many have settled and stayed in the island .
11 It is fishing about fifty metres offshore , flicking its tail as it dives , and staying under the water for only thirty seconds or so .
12 Bernard Villette is a friend of Claudine and staying at the château . ’
13 The greater part of social life is involved with child-minding , in all its many forms , and staying within the family home .
14 The son of the Harijan village President , Sarat was then 18 and still at school , alternating between thoughts of a government job and staying in the village to work on his father 's land .
15 ‘ The companies can charge what they like for drugs , then be as inefficient as they like , and stay under the profit ceiling .
16 ‘ I sometimes go and stay at a house where a girl was killed .
17 ‘ It is as modern as tomorrow with lots of time for yesterday , ’ says Mr Brandreth , suggesting that Mr Clinton could fly to Manchester Airport and stay at the Chester Grosvenor , the Hotel of the Year .
18 Have decided to make quite an easy day of it , and stay at the Youth Hostel in Lausanne tonight .
19 He said : ‘ I ca n't afford to be emotional about it all and stay on a high .
20 Let us hope Trevor can surprise us all and stay on the park until the end of the season .
21 I used to come up quite often and stay for a couple of days and just revel in meeting high-spirited people who did n't care about university politics .
22 Doctors are under great pressure and no longer come around in pony and trap and stay for a round of golf and two glasses of sherry .
23 Why he decided to drop three divisions and stay with the club until his first dismissal in 1987 , remains shrouded in slipped fivers .
24 ‘ We also support and stay with the Lord Mayor . ’
25 Suppose she were to change her mind and stay to the end of the week as he had suggested ?
26 RACEGOERS will have a chance to back a winner at Britain 's next Sunday race meeting and stay within the law .
27 Talks The Scottish TUC , after talks with Dundee police , has appealed for troublemakers to stay away , and for those attending to heed union guidelines and stay within the law .
28 ‘ It 's just not possible for me to pack a briefcase and go and stay in a Hilton somewhere looking for business and agents .
29 I should have liked simply to disobey orders and stay in the trench .
30 I was neither Jew nor English nor white , or even a proper Indian or a proper Pakistani ; but my travels through Europe and stay in the USA and my near acceptance there as a living entity capable of suffering pain and enjoying pleasure had temporarily given me a sort of quasi-human status , further aggravated by those willing to be my sexual partners ; I had become spoilt and pampered .
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