Example sentences of "and switch [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The team of non-professional drivers reached the high point of 109 mpg and a low of 94 mpg , merely by accelerating smoothly , braking gently , and switching off the engine in traffic jams .
2 Huckerby , a worried-looking , balding man , had a responsible position which basically involved overseeing editorial expenditure and running the paper day to day , but was best known for fussing round the office collecting old coffee cups and switching off the lights last thing at night .
3 She rose to draw the curtains and to switch on the lamp .
4 That 's generally ample time for you to close down a database without panic , and to switch off the computer in an orderly fashion .
5 Piercingly aware of his presence in the next room , her hand shook as she spooned coffee into the filter cup and switched on the machine .
6 Emmie tiptoed to the far side of the bed and switched on the lamp .
7 Blanche got into the car , settled the old dog on the seat beside her and switched on the engine .
8 He awoke , forgetting he had left his car in gear , and switched on the engine .
9 She got in , checked that the newly cut key was in her purse and switched on the engine .
10 Without a word he leaned forward and switched on the engine .
11 Lisa muttered beneath her breath as she slammed the car door shut and switched on the engine .
12 His mother laughed and switched on the engine .
13 She slipped under the bedclothes and switched on the reading lamp , adamant that she would shove him to the furthest corner of her mind , but the minute she opened her book her brain started working again , throwing up images of him , the way he smiled , that confident knowing look in his eyes when he addressed her .
14 Jane Pargeter stood up and switched on the standard lamp beside her chair , standing with her arms akimbo , self-contained yet vulnerable .
15 Irina drew the curtains and switched on the standard lamp beside Bill 's chair .
16 James leant forward and switched on the recorder .
17 Christina entered the hallway and switched on the ceiling fan .
18 She drew in her head , shut the windows , pulled the heavy cream linen curtains , and switched on the lamps ; they glowed cheerfully over the primrose chair covers and the yellow silk bed quilt , upon which Adam lay naked .
19 She made herself coffee and switched on the lamps .
20 Alone in my cabin , then I got comfortable , put all troublesome thoughts out of my mind , and switched on the vid to one of the best of what the vid expressively calls it Everlasting Serials .
21 The security man swung open the door to the boardroom where the party had taken place and switched on the lights , revealing the room as Blanche and Dexter had last seen it the day after the killing .
22 Indoors , she flicked the rain from her hair and switched on the lights .
23 Then he turned from her abruptly , fastened his seatbelt , and switched on the ignition key .
24 He gave a terse nod and switched on the ignition .
25 She cleared her desk onto the floor , made coffee and switched on the typewriter .
26 I replaced the bottle on the shelf , closed the lid of my sterilizer , and switched on the heat .
27 Reluctantly , Mrs. Henry bent down and switched on the vacuum-cleaner again .
28 Bob looked away hurriedly , and Mrs. Hennessy bent down and switched on the vacuum-cleaner .
29 Then he went into the living-room and switched on the television .
30 It was a brief respite ; when , presently , she took a break and switched on the radio , she found herself listening to the voice of Detective Inspector Clarke who was being interviewed by a reporter .
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