Example sentences of "and thus [verb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 In 1854 Holford married Mary Anne , daughter of General James Lindsay , MP , of Balcarres , Fife , and thus became brother-in-law to three collectors , Alexander Crawford ( twenty-fifth Earl of Crawford ) , Robert Lindsay ( Baron Wantage ) [ qq.v. ] , and Sir Coutts Lindsay .
2 From the start , pick up a crate and kill the policeman , continue right , dodging the dog on the way , climb the ladder to where the mugger prowls , dodge him and grab the ‘ ? ’ ( 50 points ) and the records , climb upwards , collecting records on the way , kill the workman with the crate and thus gain access to the roof of the building , avoid climbing the crane ( there 's nothing of interest there ) , climb up the ladder and kill the policeman , run right and jump off the edge to the end of the building .
3 On the basis of their findings , Braveman and Jarvis ( 1978 ) put forward the suggestion that latent inhibition derives from a loss of effectiveness by the specific cues that characterize the CS ( and thus requires pre-exposure to that very stimulus ) , whereas neophobia is taken to be a reaction to the aversive properties of novelty per se and can be attenuated by prior exposure to any other novel event ( see also Braveman 1978 ) .
4 These paper notes , redeemable in gold or silver were transferable and thus gave rise to the use of paper money in England .
5 The negative sign involves a perturbation to 5 which reverses each tR , and thus gives rise to an oscillation with period 2tR .
6 The principal objective of the campaign is to encourage walking by the promotion of demonstration pedestrian priority projects , which would act as models of good practice and thus provide guidance to local authorities and , metaphorically , a rallying point for pedestrians .
7 In its extreme form , as enunciated by Brandon Carter , a cosmologist now at the Paris Observatory , it says that the conditions we observe in the universe must include the various electrical and gravitational constants that hold all planetary matter together and thus give rise to intelligent terrestrial life .
8 The rewards and their distribution become a part of the social order and thus give rise to stratification ( Davis and Moore .
9 He suggested that a tendency to report first the material entering the right ear might allow information from the left ear to decay in short term memory and thus give rise to the observed superiority of the right ear .
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