Example sentences of "and carry [adv prt] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This project unites a joint team of British and French economists and lawyers from the Universities of Sussex and Grenoble to review the existing evidence in a dispassionate collaborative manner to try to develop a common view and to carry out a limited number of new investigations in areas of particular sensitivity .
2 Thus in Ibrams ( 1982 ) there had been considerable ill-treatment and violence by the deceased towards D and his girlfriend , and this led them eventually to plan and carry out a night-time raid on the deceased 's flat , during which they attacked and killed him .
3 In their view , the EC must be endowed with the ability to formulate and carry out a common foreign and security policy , particularly vis-a-vis the East and Central European countries ; the lack of such a policy has unfortunately prevented effective EC action in the former Yugoslavia .
4 There was no other option as the Hurseys live in a known highrisk parvovirus area and carrying around a Great Dane puppy in a blanket to acclimatise him to street life — as one might with Yorkshire terrier pup — is hardly practical AND needs a very large owner !
5 For calorie counters , 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day should be enough to maintain correct weight and carry on an active life .
6 During the Offline Cycle , the Offline System will read files in situ and carry out a Cyclic Redundancy Check in order to verify these files .
7 During the offline run , the offline system will read files in situ and carry out a Cyclic Redundancy Check in order to verify these files .
8 Choose one of the history units and carry out a detailed audit of the possibilities for cross-curricular links .
9 The émigrés , ranging from monarchists to anarchists , were of course bitterly divided and carried on a fierce polemical battle over the responsibility for their common defeat .
10 Of all the detectives she could afford , Maureen had hired this odd little man who looked as though he were play-acting , managed to be obtrusive when he was doing absolutely nothing and carried around a herbal cure for his blocked nose .
11 In 1063 the Pisans made a lightning raid on Palermo , destroyed some ships and carried off a handsome booty .
12 This Bishop found the palace and other buildings neglected and in a ruinous condition and carried out a great deal of repair work to the palace and also added to the building ( to quote ) , " in a most commodious manner " .
13 In the follow-up work , which continued for several weeks , the class worked on the design of castles inventing all manner of ingenious devices to prevent unwanted intruders or attackers getting in , went on a site visit to a castle , produced drawings and models and carried out a great deal of oral work , all inspired by the original story .
14 W H Smith acquired it in 1903 and carried out a major expansion and refit in 1907 .
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