Example sentences of "and stand [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And to stand at the ford as long as humanly possible , denying the Northumbrians the crossing until they were forced to give way .
2 These provisions include Article 8b(1) , to the effect that ‘ Every citizen of the Union residing in a Member State of which he is not a national shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the Member State in which he resides , under the same conditions as nationals of that State ’ , which has caused considerable debate in some Member States .
3 Then , it states that every citizen of the union erm residing in a member state shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the member state in which he resides under the same conditions as nationals of that state and that the right shall , not may , but shall be exercised er before the thirty first of December nineteen ninety four by the council acting unanimously on the proposal from the commission and after consulting the European parliament which arrangements may provide the derogations where warranted by problems specific to a member state .
4 Because erm the er the purpose of these regulations which er my old friend has just eluded to and I s I I and I have myself , is to extend to the citizens of other member states of the European union who are resident here , the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in the elections to the European parliament .
5 Yep , PHIL ‘ BUTTER FINGERS ’ KING puts on his green jersey and stands between the anorak goalposts .
6 Thus has come about the present status of evolution of which man is the apparent culmination but not the real summit ; for he is himself a transitional being and stands at the turning point of the whole movement . ’
7 Candidates must now set up personal machines manned by workers attracted to them by their individual qualities and stands on the issues with little or no reference to party loyalty .
8 Granby House is listed Grade II and stands within the Whitworth Street Conservation Area .
9 One person holds the lead and stands behind the dog who is sitting .
10 The exterior gleams in gold and colour and stands in a park amidst beautifully kept flower beds .
11 Another inscription , published in 1975 ( Comptes Rendus , Académie des Inscriptions ( CRAI ) , 1975 , p. 308 ) regulates points of Zoroastrian ritual , and stands in the name of Droaphernes the ( Persian ) governor : it is interesting evidence of religious syncretism , i.e. fusion , that a religious text of this kind should be promulgated in Greek , i.e. there were Greek-speaking Zoroastrian converts at fourth-century Sardis .
12 In order to sustain a more robust disagreement , individualist theorists must contend that human autonomy makes a substantial difference to the explanation of action , and stands in the way of the determinist account supposedly favoured by holists .
13 He traces the origins of contemporary attitudes to professionalism and public services , to the Victorian period , and argues that the model we have inherited is outmoded and stands in the way of improving professionally relationships .
14 One child is chosen and stands in the centre of the circle with eyes closed .
15 Three thousand miles away in North Hollywood , in November , the man closes the door behind him and stands in the foyer taking off his hat .
16 They saw the man come in from the street and stand for a moment adjusting to the darkness .
17 It was dark and the lamps were lit and they might not have seen Sesostris if he had not had to step aside to avoid a porter with a heavy bundle on his back and stand for a moment in the light from a shop front .
18 and stand at the back
19 If you come out of a swimming pool and stand at the side what happens to you ?
20 And you never had no , no , no safety belts or nothing , just stand there and paint and stand on a piece of angle , if you only want the laugh out of it , cos the cranes down there are the swan lift cranes .
21 These can in turn be described in detail by the zonal space and excursion relationships as follows ( see Figure 2.19 ) : A loose pin in a hole may rest on the adjoining surfaces and stand on the bottom of the hole .
22 Come to the village of Battle in East Sussex and stand on the field where William the Conqueror and Harold II fought the Battle of Hastings in 1066 — an event that changed the course of England 's history .
23 Now it is a sport , and it is a skilled game you know , and I think women can play it just as well as men , or against men and you know , you can have your fans who are very strong for your women 's team tha just as much as the men , but yet , would they also be branded as hooligans because they go along and stand on the terraces and shout for the girls ?
24 For my next trick , I 'm going wrap myself in a union jack and stand on the terracing at Parkhead .
25 Somehow we float into Charing Cross Road and stand on the pavement swaying like penguins , waving our flippers to attract a taxi .
26 ‘ Take your shoe off and stand on the towel . ’
27 Put a piece of rope and , and stand on the end of it and pull .
28 To make it harder for vermin to get into 'em they used to draw a wagon alongside a stack , and stand on the wagon with a scythe and then trim the stack .
29 'Go and stand on an upstairs mat and look under a cricket bat' , ‘ Look in a place where it is cold and you will find your pot of gold . ’
30 I must be free and stand as a Conservative ; I could not serve under L.G. again .
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