Example sentences of "and live [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although he married into one of the long-established British families and lived on the island for so long , Dr Grabham still bemoaned the exclusiveness of the British in Madeira and said he always felt like an outsider .
2 Neighbours said one of the arrested men moved into a flat just before Christmas and lived with a woman presumed to be his wife and two sons in their mid-teens .
3 The boy sat hunched on the edge of his bed , his slight shoulders rigid ; the green eyes followed with an uneasy glitter the deliberate progress of his captor 's elegant , muscular hand through a meagre yard of air , and lived through a wilderness of reluctance and temptation during its passage .
4 I was born in 1934 and lived through a world war .
5 Intimacy with God , with each other , and with the neighbourhood in which we lived , following the example of Jesus in John 1:14 : ‘ The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us . ’
6 People dismiss this aspect of Wordsworth 's poetry as ‘ odd ’ , forgetting that George Orwell became a tramp for six weeks and lived for a year as a down-and-out ; and Shakespeare wrote a play about a mad old man who was also a vagrant !
7 He had very red hair and a pale complexion with masses of freckles all over his face , he was very popular with everyone and lived for the day when he could join the Army , particularly the Camerons .
8 She caught his attention , asked whether he was Edouard and lived at the address Cobalt had given her .
9 He had an excellent temperament and lived as a family pet .
10 Seebohm Rowntree , in his second study of poverty in York in 1936 , found that half the children in working-class families were born into poverty-stricken homes and lived below the level of ‘ dietetic and health efficiency ’ during the first five years of their lives .
11 She was big , well-off , theatrical , and lived above a butcher 's shop in Shepherds Market , Mayfair .
12 And it is probable that he then left them again , taking his believing wife with him , and lived by the gospel .
13 Percy Wood was appointed senior labour master in 1933 , and lived in a cottage on a site now occupied by the boilerhouse .
14 At first Leonora was n't sure precisely what Penry had in mind regarding their relationship , and lived in a state of tension between his phone calls .
15 He earned nearly £22 a week and lived in a bedsitter .
16 And this is a boy who used to smoke marijuana and lived in a squat with a girlfriend who had a tattoo on her backside and two kids by somebody else , if you please … ’
17 One was an Abergavenny horse-cab proprietor who ‘ drove a lot of nobility around ’ although ‘ he was very aged ; ’ he had married his housekeeper after becoming a widower , and lived in a mill where his grandson ‘ used to learn all about his horses . ’
18 Sadly , as much as we wanted to keep her , we were out at work all day , and lived in a flat without a garden .
19 Even Graham , one of the few members who had left home and lived in a flat , would be helping in the campaign , although he would not be voting Conservative , so much did he dislike the personality and politics of the local MP .
20 He followed his father 's profession as a whitesmith , locksmith , bell hanger and general ironmonger and lived in a house in Broad Street where he fiddled the local gas company by bypassing the meter using a section of old piping .
21 The Burtons let off part of the house and lived in the rest .
22 Ruth had written to her four times and lived in the hope that her aunt would get the minister to reply .
23 If he was born by then before then and lived in the village his name would be in the censors .
24 Further examples can be deduced in Rutland , notably the £46 credited to David Cecil at Tinwell , a small parish from which the abbot of Peterborough received £21 as lord ; Cecil was his bailiff and lived in the manor house .
25 Sophie was married to an eccentric Regular soldier , and lived in the east-end of the city , whilst Mary , being a child of school-age , was being brought up as a daughter .
26 He came to Stamford after the First World War and lived in the town during the 1920s at no. 20 St. George 's Square .
27 Their ecological dominance and biological success for the past 80 to 100 million years may stem from the fact that they were the first group of predatory social insects that both foraged and lived in the realm of rotting vegetation on the ground .
28 Tony Wilkinson dressed up as a down-and-out in London and lived like a tramp for several weeks as part of a television enquiry into London 's dossers , published in book form as Down and Out .
29 Most were Roman Catholics and lived near the coast in Chilaw , Colombo and Kalutara districts .
30 Angel had had a magical childhood , bucking the system at the smart Buenos Aires boys ' school of Champagnat and living during the term time in a large house in the Avenidad del Libertador .
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