Example sentences of "and place in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It reflects a conception of themselves inherited from the theory of their nature and place in a slave society , a theory they shared with the slave owners , and from whom they learned it .
2 Stuff each of the wedges with some of the bean and cheese mixture and place in a baking dish .
3 Colour a little royal icing brown and place in a piping bag with a medium writing nozzle .
4 The next day , colour a little royal icing black and place in a piping bag with a fine writing nozzle .
5 Colour a little royal icing brown and place in a piping bag with a writing nozzle .
6 Colour a little royal icing brown and place in a piping bag with a medium writing nozzle .
7 Drain the leeks and place in a liquidiser or food processor with the green chillis and the brine .
8 Remove potato centres and place in a bowl , carefully preserving ‘ jackets ’ .
9 Stir , then cover the bowl and place in a refrigerator .
10 Sprinkle the Kirsch over the fruit and place in a refrigerator for at least 12 hours to marinate .
11 Strain the liquid into a bowl and place in a refrigerator until it begins to thicken .
12 Make balls as before and place in a serving dish with the others , tossing them to mix the colours .
13 Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a basin over hot water .
14 Instead , break it into pieces and place in a basin over a pan of hot water — making sure the basin does n't touch the water .
15 Colour the remaining royal icing black , and place in a bag with a fine writing nozzle .
16 Form a little cone of non-stick paper , colour a small amount of royal icing black and place in the cone .
17 Slice the cheese as thinly as possible and place in the centre of the plate .
18 Colour a little more royal icing black and place in the piping bag with a writing nozzle .
19 Remove the wool and place in the dye bath .
20 Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for a further 20min , then brush with melted butter and place in the oven .
21 Place a little oil or dripping in a 18cm/7in round cake tin and place in the oven for 10 minutes to heat through .
22 The sentences must have a rise and full , an ability to flow onwards with pauses for breath , like full stops , or a moment 's silence for the onlookers to assess what has just been stated and to understand its purpose and place in the design before the dance continues .
23 Once arranged , spray the corsage with water , protect in a box and place in the refrigerator to keep it fresh overnight .
24 Cover the dish and place in the refrigerator for at least 5hr , until the fish has turned white and has a cooked appearance .
25 Lift out and place in the rinse sink ( Repeat the wash cycle for each item ) .
26 Shape the dough and place in the tin .
27 If anyone has mislaid their gift envelope , please use an ordinary one and just put your name and Birthday Scheme on it and place in the offering bag .
28 PUT the cranberry sauce , brandy butter and cream into serving pots or jugs , cover and place in the fridge .
29 Turn the fork until a manageable amount has formed into loops ; then lift from the bowl and place in the mouth .
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