Example sentences of "and started [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Harry crossed the road , passed through an ancient arched gateway and started up the drive towards the school .
2 Conroy folded his cap into his pocket and started up the stairs , then pressed against the wall as footsteps clattered down and round the turn came Freddy Pepper himself , big ears and horn-rims that were his trademark , in tennis togs above which his ruddy make-up glowed .
3 He called a gay ‘ I 'm back ’ in the direction of the lounge and started up the stairs .
4 They were all sitting on the stone terrace at the back of the house when she opened the garden gate and started up the path .
5 The stream in the bottom of the valley was spanned by a narrow bridge , and she squeezed the car across it , and started up the hill on the other side .
6 He made straight for the big warhorse , mounted , said something to Will , and started along the street .
7 After they had cleared Ushant and started across the Bay of Lyons , the wind veered a point and freshened to a small gale .
8 For a tick of eternity , his sapphire eyes seemed to burn through her , and then he said something to the woman , touched her lightly on the arm , and started across the room .
9 Reaching the railway fence she climbed over and started across the tracks .
10 He swung his legs off the bed , grinning broadly , and started for the door .
11 The two men stared each other out before Peter gave a sudden exclamation halfway between anger and defeat , and started for the door .
12 She turned and started for the door .
13 Maxim put the camera down picked up a poker from the hearth and started for the stairway .
14 Leonora contemplated argument , abandoned it , and , without taking the hand , got up and started for the stairs on leaden feet , full of foreboding about the night ahead .
15 She swung away from him and started to the car .
16 He packed his hammers and notebook away in his bag again and started on the journey back to Fablan Fawr .
17 He joined the Durham force in 1956 and started on the beat in Darlington before being promoted through the ranks to reach his present status in 1989 .
18 I am deeply grateful to my parents for the fact that until I was twelve years old and started at the grammar school , I was completely unaware of class distinctions .
19 He grabbed her arm and started towards the lights of the comer .
20 Jinny went bright red and started towards the door so fast that Keith did not catch her up until she was outside on the path .
21 ‘ I knew it , ’ screamed the innkeeper , and started towards the door .
22 When he saw this he was further enraged and started towards the seer with an axe .
23 I left the station and started down the road to Harwich town .
24 Asik was hungary and tired , his knees were sore and he wanted to go to sleep but he got up slowly and started down the road .
25 He turned from Estabrook and started down the hill .
26 An hour and a half later , her script checked , she placed it in Miss Coldharbour 's in-tray and started down the stairs towards a late lunch .
27 She walked up a gravel drive crowded with large cars , past an old-fashioned wooden pavilion and two clay tennis courts , ignored the adult game going on in front of her and started around the boundary to the second and much smaller game in the far corner .
28 Faye hugged the navy blue , subtly patterned silk and started in the direction of the bedroom .
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