Example sentences of "and make [pron] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Or do n't tell me that all those questions about Ryan were simply so that you could track him down and make him pay the money back ? ’
2 It was cruel , of course , to bring someone of Estabrook 's age out on a cold day , and make him climb a hill , but Gentle knew from experience you took whatever satisfactions you could along the way .
3 Why Sir , they blind still those they take , And make them tell the stories of their lives , Which known , they do accordingly .
4 The government is now devising methods to enable them to use the welfare state to control people and make them tow the line .
5 All the examples are made of notes from a pentatonic scale , but harmonised using 4ths to fatten them up and make them sound a bit more ‘ chunky ’ .
6 At best , they have an instinctive feeling for what will please people and make them like the product .
7 ‘ Okay , blue-eyes , ’ I drawled , even though they were green , ‘ be difficult and make me twist the information from you until you scream for my kisses … ’
8 ‘ I 'm to be slightly too clever , the hare to your tortoise , so that you can plod past me half-way round the course and make me look a fool . ’
9 Then my father swung me up out of the sledge high above his head and down again , trying to distract me , to make light of what had happened and make me see the funny side of it .
10 ‘ I mean , they get these ideas and these bees in their bonnets and try and make everyone think the same way , and they change all the rules and upset everything , and Freud got it wrong in one way and Marx got it wrong in another . ’
11 The great Italian poet Leopardi had this to say : ‘ Works of genius have this intrinsic property that even when they give a perfect likeness of the nullity of things , even when they clearly demonstrate and make us feel the inevitable unhappiness of life , even when they express the most terrible despair , nevertheless … they always serve as a consolation , rekindling enthusiasm , and though speaking of and portraying nothing but death , restore to it , at least for a while , the life that it had lost . ’
12 You can not yoke the dragonfly and make it drive the corn-mill .
13 I can evoke the wind at will and make it rustle the stiff papery blades of the bamboos and sing , through the comb-like leaves of the yew , as a worthy accompaniment to the voice that on that day and on all other days , even to the final silence , spoke words that had always the same meaning .
14 If you can spot a possibility and make it work the result can be exciting , and do n't be afraid to use your sense of form , colour and originality .
15 He can kiss a strange baby and make it look the most natural thing in the world — another skill some of his younger and brighter rivals do not find easy .
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