Example sentences of "and make [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By due process of law we have sentenced him to be slit in the hamstrings to be an example to those who would follow him and make him a hero to the people .
2 So I 'd ask you Madam to go along with what I 'm suggesting and make him the subject of an absolute discharge so that he does n't have any previous court er any , any convictions or anything like that on his record .
3 And make him an offer he could n't refuse .
4 Double positives are taken away making it negative and your H positives go in here , making it positive , so you get a you get a little a little potential difference , a little difference in voltage , which gives a Any any two metals if you put them together and make them a bit damp , or even if you do n't make them damp , you usually get a little a tiny voltage .
5 Right , depends what the and quite honestly , if you bring these down and make them a bit more romantic
6 Lawrence has insisted he wants to stay and honour his contract at Middlesbrough and make them a force in the Premier division .
7 You need to dream , then formulate your goals from those dreams and make them a reality .
8 Should cut the gentlemen on Foggy Bottom , or wherever , down to size and make them a mite more civil and cooperative in future .
9 On the other hand , its civil servants probably have less training in business evaluation than do private sector analysts , and , of greatest importance , there is the overwhelming political temptation for the government of the day to hijack the nationalized industries and make them an instrument of whatever is the pressing problem of the day .
10 Wetherby threatens to end the affair and make her a laughing-stock , especially if he intends to flaunt a new liaison with Armitage under her nose .
11 IT IS not a new idea to take an impressionable , imaginative girl and make her the saviour of a man on the run , providing food , warmth and emotional support .
12 Sitting in a traffic jam with such a car alongside is a contemporary purgatory that produces reactions in me that bode no good for the future of the human race and make me a menace on the roads for minutes afterwards .
13 Okay go and make me a bacon sandwich
14 The notorious Dr Crippen , he pointed out , in fact murdered his assertive wife only because he was too vain simply to run away from her and make himself a target for scorn .
15 Of course I 'm coming back , go and get your slippers on and make yourself a couple of bits of toast
16 ‘ Do n't you know it 's an offence to lie down on the King 's highway and make yourself a danger to passing traffic ? ’
17 And give us back the pride and the credibility that we once took for granted as trade unionists but we allowed to slip away from us , and make us a force to be reckoned with , and send this government a message , we 'll never allow anyone at Westminster to tell us how to run the G M B , we 'll never allow anyone at Westminster to prevent us from protecting our brothers and sisters and we 'll no never ever allow anyone at Westminster to defeat the trade union movement .
18 ‘ If you move over I 'll put some wood on this fire and make us a cup of tea . ’
19 No go and make us a cup of tea would you please ?
20 I declare she 'll outshine every woman in London and make you the envy of every man who meets her .
21 The psychological power is eroded because although the community can still disapprove of you and make you an outcast if you defy the hierarchy , beyond the community is the world of English people — an unfriendly world , but it does exist .
22 I suppose the appeal to me has been making things happen and changing things and feeling quite British about it and proud of what in my very small way I have been able to do in this country and being able to export that abroad and make it a success there .
23 Thrill to the spills of those white-knuckle rides and make it a day you and the kids will never forget .
24 As I say all these poem 's are very dense and erm if I get round to , to completing them they 'll probably have at least another verse , certainly extra words and rhymes , that open it out and make it a bit more plausible Ours in the night , no I 've got it wrong , sorry , I 've moved on and I should n't 've done
25 So what we need to do is you need to figure out what kind of items license erm reflects the pronouns like herself and make it a polarity items like anyone .
26 It happens at the moment anyway , so why not sanction it and make it a skill in itself .
27 God is able to take the common in you and me and make it a sacrament of blessing for others .
28 I try and make women 's history clearer , because obviously they 've done history A level so they 've probably learnt about wars and all the male sort of things , so what women were doing and thinking and the way in which that has been suppressed ; as much as possible I like to teach by not putting very much of what I think across but trying to get other people to produce it … also encouraging them to share as an experience and personal responses and talking about things one would n't normally talk about in the department , the emotional side of things , in quotes ‘ irrational ’ , ‘ intuitive ’ and all of that , and valuing that … try and make it a space where people can say whatever they want to say ; I suppose value things that would not be valued elsewhere .
29 ‘ A Phazer is not a miracle design that can take a junk board and make it a killer ’ , Milton said .
30 O K , the only difference is , that if you do make an appointment and make it a sale , I have all the commission .
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