Example sentences of "and make [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 7 Decide in which area personal contacts will be of most use and make contact by telephone .
2 Marianne Tranter , a psychiatric social worker at the Hospital for Sick Children , Great Ormond Street , London , told the audience of nurses and social workers that abused children are ‘ seduced ’ by paedophiles who give them rewards and make threats about disclosure .
3 They lie on a mattress in the living room and make love by candlelight .
4 At the same time they had to continue running existing services , carry through any other major developments already in the pipeline and make progress on resource management and quality assurance systems .
5 A local authority has the same powers and duties under an interim care order as it does under a final order subject only to the court 's power to limit the duration of the order and make directions for examination and assessment .
6 In other words , we shall be exploring the cognitive and affective factors which influence how children of different ages ( 5 , 8 and 11 year-olds ) understand and make decisions about secrecy .
7 There is a very large and sophisticated literature on the various measures that could be used to summarize economic inequality and make comparisons over time within one country and between countries ( see Sen 1973 and Jenkins 1991 ) .
8 When a company considers installing plants , one of the Tropical Plant consultants will survey the area and make recommendations on colour , type of plant or replica material which is most suitable for the working environment .
9 Both sides also agree to establish a South Atlantic Fisheries Commission to exchange information and make recommendations on conservation .
10 More effective use could be made of the pharmacy 's patient medication records — for example , to analyse a practice 's prescribing patterns and make recommendations for change .
11 We recommend that a small group , which would include a Friends representative , be formed to consider this and make recommendations to Management .
12 They have a system similar to the Royal Humane Society , and make awards of gold , silver and bronze medals to people who have saved the lives of others from fire .
13 Peasant representatives were incorporated into committees established to organize food supplies and make preparations for land reform .
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