Example sentences of "and looked [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alexandra stood between them and looked down the lane , sunk between high fields , and saw the church tower rising among leafless trees and the blue slate roofs that clustered round it .
2 She threw open the outer door and looked down the side of the ship .
3 She gripped the rail and looked down the street .
4 He went to the door , opened it and looked down the steps expecting to see the burly figure of the constable emerge and climb the steps to meet him , but to John 's surprise there was nobody at all .
5 Then he put his head out slowly and looked up the corridor .
6 He realised the impending danger and looked up the road where he saw a Morris Minor coming down the hill .
7 She left the kitchen , and looked up the stairs .
8 And then one evening I rang the bell and then I noticed the lock was up , so I pushed the door open and looked up the stairs , at the same time as Toinette looked down round the door .
9 Sanchez uncrossed his legs and looked towards the pit .
10 But once inside the consulting room she stopped and looked towards the desk behind which was sitting a strange man , a young man .
11 Martin screwed up his eyes and looked towards the hills , saying , ‘ How can you tell from here ? ’
12 She turned and looked towards the child , who was sitting hugging a doll .
13 She paused and looked towards the door with eyes fogged by sleep .
14 Grainne raised herself cautiously on one elbow , trying not to wake Raynor , and looked towards the door .
15 She spoke hopefully and looked towards the door like an eager gun dog , ears pricked for the command to retrieve .
16 ‘ Well ’ — he turned and looked towards the window — ‘ I noticed as I passed that you had a box of Havana cigars , the … the Excepcionales .
17 Aggie turned and looked towards the window and she repeated , ‘ Garden ?
18 After a meal of cream cheese and salted salmon trout from the Gokchai , the two women stood in the dark air scented with apricot and looked towards the mountain of Noah .
19 She now turned from the pony and looked towards the side gate separated from the front gate by a hedge of trees .
20 The date of the next meeting was agreed upon , as a delicious odour of coffee began to permeate the room , and the ladies rose expectantly and looked towards the dining alcove .
21 She turned and looked towards the house door .
22 She turned from him now and looked towards the house door where Millie was standing .
23 She strode over to her single window and looked towards the Cherwell , over the garden .
24 He looked back down the corridor , then crouched and looked through the key-hole .
25 I lay down on the ground and looked through the windows , right into the King 's rooms .
26 She followed them to the house and looked through the windows .
27 Gerald assumed control and looked through the papers while the others watched .
28 He put it aside and looked through the others .
29 After resetting the rearview mirror , he turned and looked through the back window toward the entrance to the compound .
30 He paused and looked through the microscope again , this time at the print taken from Paula Wilson .
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