Example sentences of "and placed [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of that climber 's grey matter has been revived and placed into a robot-climbing machine .
2 So today the needs of the mentally ill and handicapped are seen as demanding a wide range of facilities : homes , centres , clinics and so forth , served by doctors , nurses , teachers , psychologists , psychotherapists , speech therapists and residential care workers , linked by a body of trained social workers and placed within a tolerant , accepting and truly caring community .
3 It is plain that only a small community closely knit by ties of kinship , common sentiment , and belief , and placed in a stable environment , could live successfully by such a regime of unofficial rules .
4 For this , he was completely undressed — which makes his body itch to the point of agony — and placed in a UV cabinet , his arms held above his head to stop him scratching .
5 The amount provided in the original cash float is deducted and placed in a separate banker 's bag .
6 Had her taken into hospital and the foetus removed and placed in a MedFac nurture unit . ’
7 I had made up a sort of flattened octopus-like creature , with electrically lit eyes , which we stretched out onto a frame and placed in a shallow trough of water so that it was only just submerged .
8 In 1984 , a faculty to examine the St John vault for these items proved that it had been extensively reordered in the early eighteenth century when the decayed earlier coffins were cleared and placed in a charnel cistern within the vault .
9 In 1986 I too entered the tomb ; the anthropoid leaden shell was resealed after the 1703 examination and placed in a new rectangular elm shell sans fittings .
10 At other times it is relatively hidden , smoothed over by extensive cultivation , familiarity and the techniques of what Bourdieu calls ‘ legitimation ’ , only to be revealed when constituent elements are wrenched away and placed in a new setting .
11 In the first place she is anxious because she has been taken from her companions and familiar environment , and placed in a foreign country .
12 For a polymer of molar mass M 2 dissolved in a solvent ( 1 ) and placed in a centrifugal field of angular velocity ο , its potential energy at a distance r from the centre of rotation is and its chemical potential is µ .
13 Pooled slides from several patients were dipped in Ilford K5 ( Ilford Ltd , Mobberley , Cheshire , England ) emulsion and placed inside a light-tight box where they were kept at 4°C for 10 days .
14 When lifted and placed against a transparent plastic sheet they would show up the tiniest particle .
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