Example sentences of "and at [art] [adj] stage " in BNC.

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1 The general consensus between the leaders of the Conservative and Labour parties made easy the initial reckless imposition of ‘ direct rule ’ from Westminster and at every subsequent stage has provided the basis for a bipartisan policy under which the party in opposition has supported the measures taken in Ulster by the one in office .
2 And at a later stage :
3 Many Sussex heathlands have become invaded by woodland , the silver birch and Scots pine predominating with rhododendron ( Rhododendron ponticum ) being common , and at a later stage sessile oak becomes dominant .
4 Within the holdings , the biggest disappointment was Thomson Corporation , which failed to live up to the hopes expressed in the last article that ( a ) the travel side would benefit from the collapse of Intasun , a major competitor , ( b ) that the results of the North American ( and at a later stage UK ) newspaper interests would reflect a developing cyclical upturn , and ( c ) that the professional publishing companies would maintain their profits momentum .
5 As you are aware , we have created a new operations unit to concentrate on developing business opportunities firstly in Germany , and at a later stage , further east .
6 According to Mr Hornsby , ‘ One of the investors was a client of Clark Whitehill and at an early stage while he was still a client , the firm wrote to him saying if he did n't declare what his interests were , they would have to inform the Revenue . ’
7 The Comintern was the Third International , established in 1919 , and at an early stage the Indian M.N. Roy emerged as its colonial theoretician , almost equal to Lenin .
8 Meanwhile , the Director of the Serious Fraud Office had become aware of suspicion attaching to the affairs of the company , and at an early stage formed the opinion that the matter was appropriate for investigation by procedures created by the Criminal Justice Act 1987 .
9 I agree that more businesses should contemplate approaching younger children and at an early stage arousing their interest in what science or engineering may hold for them .
10 Prior to submission and at an early stage in drafting , a coding system should be developed to ensure , as far as possible , that price sensitive information does not become generally available .
11 Renters were younger and at an earlier stage in the developmental cycle .
12 In this case , which is not exceptional ( see Weiskrantz & Cowey , 1963 ) , experience expanded what the monkeys regarded as acceptable food , and at an earlier stage in development experience had narrowed the range .
13 The building control officer will often be aware of local ground conditions and at the early stage of site investigation his advice will be invaluable in determining probable additional costs .
14 Yet there would undoubtedly remain a considerable amount of discretion , both for judges and juries applying the law , if the words ‘ sufficient to reduce the offence from murder to manslaughter ’ were retained , and at the sentencing stage , in response to the particular combination of factors in each case .
15 Northern blot analysis of pou [ c ] expression at 3 , 10 , 16 , 24 and 33 hours of development and at the hatching stage ( lanes 1–6 ) .
16 The early divisions of the mouse embryo seem much more sloppy and between the 8- and 16-cell stages the surface of the clump of cells becomes smooth and at the 32-cell stage there is a single layer of cells enclosing some cells on the inside .
17 Therefore , a thorough analysis of the regulation of H1 transcription , both at the basal level and at the enhanced stage , would be of major interest for the understanding of the control mechanisms of gene expression at the transcriptional level .
18 In larger schools , and at the secondary stage , the organization of spaces and necessary reservation of particular areas remains a complex job , but can he approached from a different viewpoint .
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