Example sentences of "and [pron] saw the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We did so , heaving and pushing until the bed moved a few inches and I saw the slight scorch mark on the stone floor beneath .
2 Then there was another , and others behind it , and I saw the long bare tail like a whip , the narrow head , the yellow teeth that seemed too big for the jaws , the glittering red eyes .
3 The fellow stood up and I saw the long , brown gown of a Franciscan monk , the rough cord round his waist and the wooden crucifix slung on a piece of string round his neck .
4 He stretched out his hand and I saw the small , faded , white rose lying there .
5 He started up at my scream and I saw the dark blood on him and on me .
6 I was in the United States when the invasion of Iraq the invasion of Iraq into Iran , and I saw the whole situation with the aid of erm the United States mass media , so actually erm I had different ideas about erm what is the outcome and what is the results of the erm invasion was , and I took erm throughout the conflict I took an opposing view , because I always viewed the Iraquis as being aggressor and they inflicted damaged to a neighbouring country and erm they had erm no whatsoever rights to do anything like that and we see it again when erm they invaded Kuwait , they have no right at all erm they it is just the policy of the governing body of the Iraqui regime .
7 You were sitting in your seat , pressed back by the acceleration , and you saw the light beams curve .
8 Carrie 's eyes opened reluctantly as he fumbled with her buttoned dress and she saw the small round damp spot on the ceiling .
9 As she went upstairs she saw him toss something in a little glass down his throat in one gulp and she saw the swollen nicotine-stained fingers and the watery bad-tempered eyes .
10 At the end of the summer , a beautiful girl passed , and she saw the tall weed , and plucked it and put it in her dress , where it blushed a glorious red and died content ; the weed on the bank saw it die , and laughed , and reflected that it would live till the next year .
11 His ribcage had lifted , expanding his chest , and she saw the dark golden hair running in a faint line down to his waist .
12 He lowered his head then and she saw the deep , intense passion in his eyes , felt the searing heat race through her body .
13 In the distance she heard the faint sounds of voices from the pool , and her dazed eyes rested on the green palm trees out on the terrace , while the dim light of the courtyard shut out the horrors of the morning , and she saw the gleaming white tower of a mosque against the deep sky and the far-off mountains , just as they had looked in the travel brochures .
14 He turned his head a little and she saw the blue glass flowering from his skull , its silken stamens drooping elegantly as he moved .
15 Then her vision cleared and she saw the familiar objects , the Aga and the gas stove with the nearby working surfaces , the table of polished oak in the middle of the room with its four elegantly crafted chairs , and at the far end Alice 's office with the walls covered with bookshelves and her desk piled with proofs .
16 ‘ I can imagine that , ’ said Catriona , and she saw the local , dark and quiet and fairly empty , and Forgue in his donkey jacket and tartan scarf listening to an old man talk about mining in Calgary .
17 A crash behind her made her turn and she saw the enraged old man had hurled his soup dish at the far wall where it hit the pretty paper and ran in thin trickles down onto the pale-grey carpet .
18 Since the baby 's birth and its mother 's death her whole view of life seemed to have changed abruptly , as though someone had shaken a giant kaleidoscope and she saw the whole world and herself in a different light .
19 She sat down beside him , instinctively putting her arm out to support him , but he jerked forward with a sharp gasp , and she saw the brown lines of dried blood across the back of his shirt .
20 And she saw the big staircases leading up to the libraries and the lecture halls .
21 ‘ That 's a relief , ’ he said , but he did n't sound relieved and she saw the sombre look in his eyes deepen .
22 ‘ Seven hundred years of British rule , ’ Kevin declared , and she saw the tight line of his mouth .
23 And we saw the religious people , the religious men , who erm are the only people that are allowed to smoke drugs , you know , illegal drugs er things like marijuana , they 're actually allowed to because the people view them as half alive and half dead and that was interesting to see .
24 There God dwelt among them and they saw the visible manifestation of his presence .
25 And they saw the Old Bill nicking us and letting the coons go .
26 Now it so chanced that the king of the country passed through Marko 's village , and he saw the golden-fleeced ram and set his heart on it .
27 She turned towards him , her head propped on her hand , and he saw the strong afternoon light shafting with gold the cropped brightly dyed hair .
28 He was at Ibrox in 1971 when 66 fans died in a crush on the steps of the stadium ; in September 1980 , he had to watch the pathetically outmatched Welsh bantam-weight Johnny Owen die at the hands of Lupe Pintor , after writing beforehand ‘ this fight could end up in the intensive care unit ’ ; and he saw the heart-bursting tension of a World Cup qualifying match kill the man with whom he had an almost filial relationship , the Celtic and Scottish national football manager , Jock Stein .
29 Then a flicker of movement caught his eye off to one side of the clearing , and he saw the two youngsters were still hovering there uncertainly .
30 She yawned like a cat and he saw the red inside of her mouth .
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