Example sentences of "and [verb] in [art] light " in BNC.

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1 I was scarcely called upon to say a word as she talked , pale smoke drifting from her mouth and her nose and hanging in the light .
2 None of the studies presents an operative model ( Rosener , in our opinion , comes closest , but her model , as she shows herself , is more heuristic than empirical ) , and so in the next section a model will be set out and explained in the light of the evaluation criteria for participation and effectiveness put forward in the first two sections of this paper .
3 The system has been continuously discussed and amended in the light of experience and has also thereby provided a most valuable focus for staff support and development .
4 And as the market process unfolds , with one period of market ignorance followed by another in which ignorance has been somewhat reduced , each buyer or seller revises his bids and offers in the light of his newly acquired knowledge of the alternative opportunities which those to whom he may wish to sell , or from whom he may wish to buy , can expect to find available elsewhere in the market .
5 Discussion documents will be prepared in a form accessible to curriculum planners , tested and revised in the light of comments received .
6 As we have seen , the fabliaux treat very much of human behaviour , and regarded in the light of ethical ideals present an image of the very baseness of which humankind is capable .
7 I mention this variety of rites , which are in process of preparation , because the main route whereby people are introduced to and grow in the light of the church , baptism as infants , confirmation in early teens , leading to faithful communicant life , that route is no longer followed by quite a number in our fellowship .
8 These interpretations can be reviewed and considered in the light of the aims of the self-advocacy movement , with the question being posed — does this interpretation of normalisation and the implications for professional practice appear to support and facilitate the open-ended processes of growth emerging from the advocacy movements ?
9 to ensure that any matters which might be raised by the acquiror company 's ‘ due diligence ’ exercise are identified in advance , and considered in the light of the effect on the proposed deal .
10 To this end all records of the past were zealously preserved and older , more primitive legal traditions extensively reworked and edited in the light of developing concepts and attitudes — most of which would seem to have been the direct result of the community 's change in circumstances and new needs for order and social cohesion .
11 Why it is the colour of the moon and made in the light of the moon .
12 these proposals we regard as doing no more than initiating a programme of family welfare which will have to be kept under continuous review and modified and expanded in the light of experience and deeper knowledge .
13 Open up your home and let in the light : archways help to create a spacious feel .
14 And walk in the light .
15 The door at the end of the passage was open too , and framed in the light she could see the landlord 's square back and bursting breeches .
16 As the poem progresses , we might assume that contextual or latent discourse referents are less likely to be introduced , for we read and interpret in the light of what has gone before — of previous elements in the utterance .
17 Finally , every provision of Community law must be placed in its context and interpreted in the light of the provisions of Community law as a whole , regard being had to the objectives thereof and to its state of evolution at the date on which the provision in question is to be applied . ’
18 Everything would be ‘ in the melting pot ’ ; centuries of settled case law would be jettisoned , lost ; the whole process of building up the case law would have to start again ; or the definition would have to be construed and interpreted in the light of the old case law , with attendant problems .
19 Would it fall to be construed and interpreted in the light of the old case law ?
20 Many real-world cases of what appears to be monopoly in production can be disentangled and understood in the light of the theoretical possibilities being examined here .
21 Nevertheless , a basically sound plan provides a framework on which you can build and progress in the light of experience and changing conditions .
22 At the far end it was possible to see four mock Grecian columns , painted white and glowing in the light of a single bulb .
23 Originating in Scandinavian mythology , elves are capricious sprites that dance on the grass , or sit in the leaves of trees and bask in the light of the full moon .
24 Grant that in this new year we may know your presence , see your love at work , and live in the light of the vent which gives us joy forever — the coming of your Son , Jesus Christ our Lord .
25 Chief officers and chairs will begin the process of deciding the share of the budget that is to go to education , social services and housing in the light of the strategic analysis discussed above .
26 His eyes were still lingering on the curves hidden by the black material that caught and shimmered in the light as she moved .
27 She sat , leaning her cheek on her hand , gazing down at the dog , her flaming hair falling untidily down her back , and over her shoulders , and glistening in the light from the candelabrum on the mantel and the glow of the fire .
28 This hidden wonderland , sculptured in darkness absolute , remained unseen and unsuspected through the ages until the present century when men first ventured into rifts in the ground and beheld in the light of torches an amazing display of sculptured limestone in patterns both incredibly delicate and massive , a living museum of art in many forms .
29 First , the Authority 's approach to each of the elements of practice central to PNP — needs , curriculum , teaching strategies and home-school — can now be strengthened and extended in the light of the material presented in our twelve reports ; each of these elements , though specific to PNP , is also a perennial concern in education and the issues therefore remain important .
30 We need to continually spotcheck that we are living and working in the light of that assumption .
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