Example sentences of "and [verb] through [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The move towards NVQs and SVQs is taking place across all industries at all levels within the industry , from engineering and manufacturing through to the provision of health and social care , from the operative to the manager .
2 The shirt comes right down over the feet , and threaded through with a woollen thread at the ankles , with tassels at the end .
3 Using Paradox SQL Link , native SQL statements can be embedded within programs written in the Application Language , and passed through to the database server .
4 Another bullet fired from the same revolver had entered the outside of the driver 's ( that is , the left-hand ) door of the jeep and passed through to the edge of the driver 's seat without striking Paulette .
5 On the night of Friday , 8th September , the barrier was broken through and rescue workers wearing breathing apparatus were able to take hot food and drinks through to the trapped men .
6 The trouble was that the salt had permeated the walls and penetrated through to the other side , where beads of moisture coming through the plaster accounted for the detachment of the wallpaper , which by this time was hanging loose in a depressing and derelict manner .
7 Panting breathlessly , she turned from the door and moved through to the hall , where Donna was trying to make her way down the stairs .
8 Straining away from him , gasping with tortured gratification , she found that it seemed the most natural thing in the world to her when she was swept up in his arms and carried through into the bedroom , to be laid gently down on the soft duvet .
9 It was remarkably brief , but encompassed a great deal and was consciously planned and carried through as an ecumenical Council , the first of its kind .
10 With this comforting thought Henry rang the doorbell , hard , and watched his wife heave herself out of the chair and stump through to the hall .
11 She hauled herself out of the bath , pulled on a bathrobe and wandered through into the sitting-room .
12 The ion enters the membrane forming a complex with the ligand , and passes through to the pure water on the other side where it is oxidised back to Cu 2+ ( in other words , it loses the electron ) by dissolved oxygen from the air .
13 The Somme dragged on through July , a futile and terrible battle of attrition that cost hundreds of thousands of lives , through Aubers Ridge , Delville Wood , where the Cameronians had a section of trench they called Buchanan Street , and into a dreadful September , when Haig decided to try and break through on the Somme with a secret weapon , the tank .
14 The curds are lifted onto muslin-covered racks and cut through with a knife before they are left to drain .
15 Standing in the Townley Room and looking through to the sculptures displayed next door ( Room 83 ) , most of which were intended for public display , one is well aware of the reduced scale and decorative qualities sought by the private collector who wined and dined amidst his collection .
16 The choice then lies between staying in and going through with the change despite initial disfavour or staying in and changing either reluctantly or superficially .
17 The term ‘ software ’ must be very broadly defined , so that it includes almost all aspects of a project from its specification and design through to the delivery of executable code .
18 As Knocker went to the slide window to serve , Yanto picked up his pint and walked through into the snug .
19 Plummer got to his feet immediately and walked through into the sitting room to answer it .
20 His CV reads like the script for a journalist 's dream sequence — frustrated writer trains with provincial newspaper before landing a job in the brewing industry and breaking through as an author .
21 The lyrics deal with teenage frustrations and breaking through to the other side .
22 He felt it connect and followed through with a kick to the stomach .
23 Well this , this is what I 'm saying , if it had been picked up and followed through at an earlier stage he would have been ensconced
24 The Conservative party 's attitude is epitomised by that statement and followed through by the Audit Commission .
25 He pulled on his dressing gown and padded through into the sitting room .
26 I leapt out of the car into a phone box , and rang through with an apology .
27 Quickly Sophie picked up the telephone and rang through to the house .
28 The company originated and broke through with a new idea , using high quality elements from its flexible audio product system .
29 In practice , moreover , treatments for such patients tend to be chosen empirically and worked through on a trial and error basis , whatever might be thought to be the underlying pathophysiology .
30 The kind of company pensions then being offered were fine for those who joined a company in their twenties and worked through to the age of sixty-five .
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