Example sentences of "and [verb] at [det] other " in BNC.

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1 They pecked at some dead creature on the moorland verge , squabbling over which of them should have it , wheeling and darting at each other like terrible shadows in the mist .
2 Drums began pounding , and several seemingly frail old men launched into a frenzied war-dance , prancing and stabbing at each other with their kerises .
3 Rushing about the Rante , attached like Siamese twins by a synch-pulse cable , tripping over and swearing at each other , burying our heads for mysterious minutes in black film-changing bags , endlessly sticking our noses into other people 's business was a cause for considerable levity amongst the participants .
4 Lasting impressions so far : the sun ( miraculously ) shining on the slopes of Dalwhinnie , far in the north , on the first leg of the journey ; stumbling across Drew from the World Cup holiday in a motorway café somewhere in England in the middle of the night ; breakfast and mineral water with Claire ( oh , it was good to see her ) in an Italian cafe near London Victoria ; people throwing up all over the joint on the Seacat crossing to Boulogne ( and me staggering about , legs way out of control , on the deck , getting soaked by the spray , saltwater taste in the mouth , and a rainbow arcing on top of the water behind the catamaran ) ; complaining English and American tourist ( ‘ It 's ridiculous that we have to go through customs — why do we have to go through customs anyway ? … ) ; terrible fatigue on the train to Paris , and temperamental French men shouting and swearing at each other in the aisle ; relief at finding Angela 's flat in Paris ; difficult negotiation of the very narrow stairwell , finally finding her way at the top on the 6th floor ; food , and wine , and a shower , and a bed-settee for the night ; Japanese tourists at Notre Dame , and a man announcing his state of poverty and homelessness on the Métro — ‘ ‘ .
5 Not only me , but poor Dave ( Paich ) too : we 'd just sit there and look at each other and go , ‘ This is wrong , ’ trying to get somebody to interpret our music .
6 They talked until the horses , squealing and nipping at each other , turned away to hurry purposefully across the field and stand afar , clouds of their breath plumed against the winter air .
7 Two goats will circle head to tail in a display of strength , tossing their heads and posturing and grunting at each other .
8 And frowned at each other , as ill-coordinated a double-act as Fanny and Johnny Cradock : it was hard to tell which one found the other most irritating .
9 The nurses cast an eye at his blood pressure and look at each other .
10 yeah , they 'll be , and she 's always moaning driving Sue up the wall , why should I keep him blah , blah , blah , blah , doing nothing , we sit and look at each other and Sue said for Christ sake she said you 're twenty years old , not forty , she 'd been bad on and off again , throat , well she had the shoulder , throat er she thought she had , oh the diabetes was one were n't it , diabetes one , they thought she had , thought that she had glandular fever but she has n't and er , so Sue said to her well are you looking after yourself and she said yes I am , Sue said well I du n no she never seems to be , cos she 's never been well has she really ?
11 They would kick each other under the table , take food off one another 's plates , throw food on the table , shout and scream at each other .
12 Look at that time Louise 's boy-friend — the miner 's son from Wales — met him , and how they argued and snarled at each other , and we were all against G.P. for being so contemptuous about working class people and working-class life .
13 They stopped and looked at each other and James laughed .
14 We stopped and looked at each other , then shook hands .
15 And there , a mile apart , the two armies sat and looked at each other .
16 Joe and I gasped , and looked at each other .
17 They sat down beneath the shade of an umbrella , and looked at each other across the table .
18 Juliet and David sat and looked at each other .
19 And the night that it was over we met in our quarters , we poured a drink and we stood there and looked at each other and he said well , we made it .
20 Graham looked back at him , and for a moment they sat and stared at each other .
21 We sat and stared at each other , Sayeeda and 1 .
22 For a moment they simply stood and stared at each other , then Paige stepped back .
23 At the bar half a dozen very grey old men sit and grimace at each other , saying absolutely nothing .
24 As the UN Security Council debated whether to intervene , most New Yorkers appeared to be knuckling down to what they do best : driving gratuitously badly and yelling at each other .
25 They drank their beers and smiled at each other and in the distance they heard a street procession wending its noisy way in their direction .
26 For ‘ prodigies ’ ( ‘ Mr Binyon 's young prodigies ’ ) surely we ought to read ‘ protégés ’ ; and then it becomes possible to wonder whether the jocularity about bulldogs does n't mark a wistful or resentful sense that Binyon and Sturge Moore ( ‘ old Neptune ’ ) might have done more with their respective protégés than merely set them to sniff and snarl at each other 's heels ; to question whether the two senior writers could not have established themselves — at least for some purposes — as masters of ateliers in which the two young hopefuls might have enrolled as apprentices .
27 Two were pulling each other 's hair and screaming at each other while the men tried to part them .
28 After such a long wait , Ellie was so stiff and so fearful , that she was almost relieved to hear them , laughing and jeering at each other , and then greeting their father , whom they were surprised to see home .
29 ‘ We both ended up on the bench and since neither of us were very happy , we just sat and moaned at each other !
30 When the doorbell pinged , they all turned again like puppets operated by one grand master , nodding and smiling at each other as Leo came in .
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