Example sentences of "and [vb pp] for [art] immediate " in BNC.

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1 The first public response came on Aug. 3 from ministers of the Gulf Co-operation Council ( comprising Bahrain , Kuwait , Oman , Qatar , Saudi Arabia and the UAE ) who issued a condemnation of the " Iraqi aggression " and called for an immediate and unconditional withdrawal .
2 Earlier , the new Conflict Prevention Centre of the CSCE met for the first time in Vienna on July 1-2 , as requested by Austria , and called for an immediate ceasefire and the return of the JNA to barracks , but failed to reach the necessary unanimity on sending a CSCE observer mission .
3 The meeting resolved to form a " co-ordination committee " which would meet regularly to ensure a united Arab stance in the forthcoming negotiations , and called for an immediate halt on Jewish settlement-building .
4 The Halifax said prices dropped 1.2pc last month and called for an immediate 2pc interest rate cut and ‘ specific ’ Government measures to stimulate the housing market .
5 Unreality supervened again as Argentina fired its President Galtieri and called for the immediate withdrawal of British forces .
6 The manifesto condemned the invasion of Kuwait and called for the immediate withdrawal of Iraqi forces .
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