Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] a moment " in BNC.

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1 She said : ‘ God grant it ! ’ and clung for a moment to the great , warm , vital hand that could put heart into her even now .
2 Canon Wheeler allowed his eye to wander around the handsome room lit by the full , secure English sunlight and gazed for a moment through the window at the spire of Medewich 's beautiful Cathedral .
3 It bothered him to let her go like this , but she 'd insisted ; for a while he could n't see her at all , until she reached the skyline and stopped for a moment .
4 He frowned and panicked for a moment .
5 Robyn swallowed and tried to work out whether she should feel relieved or even more depressed and decided after a moment on the latter .
6 He paused and thought for a moment , obviously very moved .
7 He stopped and thought for a moment .
8 Artemis , down on her knees , just turned round and stared for a moment , before Rosie took her hand and pulled her to her feet .
9 Nick picked up the receiver and listened for a moment , before muttering ‘ Wrong number ’ and hanging up .
10 Reluctantly she picked it up and listened for a moment .
11 Once — ’ the voice shook and hesitated for a moment ‘ — once it was a pair of pliers .
12 He came to the Kingsbrook bridge and paused for a moment on the parapet , listening to the soft suck and chatter of the stream .
13 The Captain walked to the head of the gangplank and paused for a moment , stroking the worn rail with an almost loving touch .
14 With great grace she straddled his body , and paused for a moment , upright above him , her body as pale and slender as a wand .
15 He leant back and paused for a moment .
16 Craig hurried up the stairs as the knocking became more insistent and paused for a moment staring back to the hallway .
17 She suddenly began to gnaw her knuckles and paused for a moment , plunged in memory .
18 He opened the door and paused for a moment , listening for sounds of Mrs Blakey .
19 A small brown lizard scuttled across the flags , and paused for a moment , at a safe distance , flanks heaving gently .
20 She swivelled her eyes round and paused for a moment as they meshed with Jake 's .
21 I sat back and relaxed for a moment .
22 Fabia stirred , awakened in her hotel bedroom that Monday and , as memory awakened with her , she abruptly closed her lovely green eyes and wished for a moment that she were back in England .
23 She closed the door and waited for a moment , then turned and went into the little bedroom .
24 She knocked loudly on the kitchen door and waited for a moment , aware of the total silence from within the room .
25 Then she snuffed out the light , and waited for a moment , getting her owl-vision .
26 Creggan stooped down and hovered for a moment over the carrion .
27 Hundreds of eyes stared fixedly as the laird stepped out onto the gravel and stood for a moment with his chin jutting and his mouth pulled down , like a general reviewing his troops .
28 He got out but before going to knock at the door , crossed the road and stood for a moment contemplating Ivy Cottage .
29 She moved to the stairs and stood for a moment in the silence of the hallway , the candle flickering in her hand .
30 He opened the front door and stood for a moment on the step looking at the glimmer of light touching the pale dome of the church and the glow of the city thrown up against the sky .
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