Example sentences of "and [prep] the same moment " in BNC.

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1 At last he saw the first of the dawn , like light faintly perceived round a corner at the far end of an unknown burrow ; and in the same moment a yellow-hammer sang .
2 He asked , ‘ What 's the problem ? ’ and in the same moment , struck at the man stiff-armed , a karate blow .
3 He sprang up with a cry , and in the same moment the tent collapsed upon him , pinning him to the ground under its heavy folds , and the hammering rain held it there , flattened crushingly over his breast , moulding itself to every feature of his face , so that he was nearly suffocated .
4 And at the same moment she had the shattering thought that perhaps she had imagined the whole thing .
5 And then he wondered who she was in love with in London , to have kept a watch on another time ; and asked himself why in Christ she had come with him , in that case ; and at the same moment reflected about some plays , for he truly liked the theatre .
6 The shout echoed in the rocks and at the same moment the man saw me .
7 After that the torch was applied to a point on the Wheel and at the same moment the chocks were knocked away .
8 She made a frantic gesture with the sharpened blades and at the same moment Rourke went into action .
9 The gap between him and his pursuers widened ; and at the same moment , though they were invisible and their volley could not be followed by eye or ear , the Welsh archers deployed all along the rim of the forest loosed their shafts together .
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