Example sentences of "and [prep] the [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 The court heard that Ironside had been banned from the roads for two years in May 1990 and for the same period in February 1991 .
2 The survey is most interesting in contrasting works from before and during the Nazi period by sculptors whose development was less consistent than Freundlich 's .
3 In smaller seasonal or residential hotels all the office work could be centralised in the reception office , and during the quiet period on the front desk the receptionist would be expected to carry out the task of maintaining accounting and other records .
4 Between 1851 and 1901 the agricultural labour force in County Durham dropped from 10,004 to 5,049 , and during the same period many others were thrown out of work when the lead mines closed .
5 In the modern individual such a clearly defined and providential maternal version of the superego does not appear to emerge in quite the same way during and after the oral period , almost certainly because in individual history , unlike that of the culture , the oral period does not follow Oedipal resolution and therefore can not build on an already-existing superego .
6 Steve Moria 's hat-trick gave Cardiff a 3-1 lead and despite the first period ending 3-3 , the other two were about Racers receiving a harsh lesson in ice hockey as Moria ( with three more ) , John Lawless , and Ian Cooper sealed an 8-3 win .
7 In the nineteenth century music had come to be regarded as queen of the arts because of its non-imitative qualities , and throughout the Cubist period musical analogies become increasingly frequent .
8 Already in Predynastic times they were using it to make beads , and throughout the Dynastic period it was employed together with lapis lazuli , carnelian and coloured glass to infill cloisonné work on jewellery , notably on the breast ornaments worn by Tutankhamun ( Plate I ) .
9 Cedar Health claim that Equi-Strath is a natural restorative for horses in training , competition and hunting and an ideal supplement in helping broodmares maintain their condition both prior to conception and throughout the foaling period .
10 Mary of Guise had infinitely more ability and determination , but for the first twelve years of the minority she had no official role in government , and throughout the whole period her main interest lay in achieving a French marriage for her daughter , even if that meant doing little about the existence of Protestantism .
11 Now , therefore , and unlike the earlier period , only men were the full participants in and officiants of the nation 's religious life .
12 Henceforth , and unlike the earlier period , this was to be the dominant aspect of the rite .
13 They assert that the payments to Anser were transactions at an undervalue made at a time when the company was unable to pay its debts and within the relevant period of time stipulated in section 240 .
14 The most rural category labelled ‘ remoter , mainly rural districts ’ was the only one to record an upturn in population growth rate between the 1960s and 1970s and in the latter period recorded an overall growth rate second only to districts containing New Towns ( OPCS , 1981 ) .
15 The effect of biological and physiological factors is predominant during fetal life and in the perinatal period .
16 In the early period of industrialisation it was the skilled ( craft ) workers who actually carried out the production task , and in the late period the skilled workers constructed and maintained the fully automated continuous-flow production process .
17 Some seals are cylindrical , and in the earliest period , from 2500 BC onwards , the designs were carved on the flat end , not on the curve as in Syrian and Mesopotamian seals .
18 She later moved away from cytological research , partly because constant use of the high-power microscope was a strain on her eyes , and in the second period of her career she concentrated on anatomical and phylogenetic questions .
19 For linguists , the Celtic family of languages is extremely interesting , while , on the literary side , medievalists are attracted by the early sagas , heroic poetry and Arthurian material ; and in the Modern period , Gaelic poetry of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and that of the twentieth century Renaissance poets are especially popular .
20 It never quite recovered from its destruction by Germanic tribesmen in the third century AD and in the medieval period the extensive Roman town remains were used as a quarry-source of building material .
21 The level of SR activity declined sharply and in the pre-war period they took less advantage than did the SDs of the opportunities for legal activity .
22 And in the same period the government 's tax revenue has more than doubled to S$12.1bn .
23 By the way of contrast The Independent , building up a composite Independent person from figures supplied by the same research company ( TGI ) , announced that 23.9% of Independent readers have a household income exceeding £25,000 , 44.2% of them own a car , 31.4% own stocks and shares , 9% play cricket , 71.9% bought records in the last year and in the same period 51.2% purchased at least one pair of sports shoes while 14% spent over £50 in garden centres .
24 According to a government report published on Aug. 9 , cases of espionage in Switzerland involving agents from Eastern Europe continued to increase ; 65 of the 91 cases recorded from 1980 to 1988 involved these countries , most of which desired technological rather than political or security information , and over the same period 17 of the 24 diplomats and officials expelled were from Eastern Europe .
25 This control data was obtained from patients and healthy volunteers who had undergone identical tests as the patients with idiopathic DU and over the same period either specifically for the present study or as part of another study .
26 Physical chemists like Vernon Harcourt in Oxford were just beginning to study reaction-mechanisms in a few simple cases in the 1860s , and at the same period in France P. M. Berthelot was performing total syntheses , and in Norway C. M. Guldberg and P. Waage discovered the Law of Mass Action governing chemical equilibria .
27 seven thousand five hundred and seventy nine and at the same period last year which is November nineteen ninety two we have seven thousand eight hundred and forty three
28 All this has , of course , been made possible both by technological revolutions in transport and communication and by the lengthy period of free movements of the factors of production over a vast area of the globe which has developed since the second world war .
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