Example sentences of "of young people [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The fall in the number of young people entering the labour market because of the drop in the birth rate , combined with a rise in those going into further and higher education , will contract that source significantly .
2 Concern over the rising cost of public expenditure on pensions , and the shortage of young people entering the labour market , because of falling birth rates in the 1970's , may reverse the trend towards early retirement .
3 Changes percolate through gradually , much helped of course if there are major social and economic changes , such as the shortage of young people entering the labour market , which will inevitably open doors for women .
4 At the same time the downturn in the number of young people entering the employment market has emphasised the need for a greater proportion of young people with the skills which successful businesses will require .
5 Future projections show a marked fall in the numbers of young people entering the labour market .
6 In this respect the key variable in the 1980s is the large number of young people entering the rural labour market , following the baby boom of the 1960s .
7 Even so , her own assessment of the needs of young people confirmed the general impression of a positive emphasis in the interwar years .
8 Longstanding racial tensions and complaints of persistent police harassment of young people underlay the incidents .
9 You are very welcome to send recruitment literature into schools for use in Careers guidance and counselling , and Careers Teachers will certainly be pleased if you offer to spend time with groups of young people explaining the nature of the employment you offer .
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