Example sentences of "of a recently [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When acting for a buyer of vacant land who intends to build on it , or for a buyer of a recently erected house , a hidden danger has recently been highlighted — the possibility that the foundations may be at risk of subsidence or of sliding either through infilling of the site , or a dangerous geological stratum .
2 As the managing director of a recently formed company with , to date , only one outlet , I was quite naturally looking for any help I could get , advisory or financially or both .
3 To the scribe of a recently discovered source of his Stabat mater , the composer was ‘ John Browne of Oxford ’ ( ‘ Oxoniensis ’ ) ; corroboration of Oxford as his working milieu is offered by the text of his eight-part O Maria , salvatoris mater , which includes among its invokees St Mary Magdalen and St Frideswide , the Oxford saint .
4 They clung to each other , speaking in desperate whispers , sharing the shock and terror of a recently confirmed test result .
5 ‘ Do n't you know who I am ? ’ she had demanded imperiously of a recently conscripted Bengali .
6 Passage is the unassuming title of a recently published collection of work by Irving Penn , one of America 's foremost photographers .
7 In 1716 , for example , the Duke of Montrose was hard pressed to maintain his political dominance of Glasgow when he was approached by a member of the university on behalf of a recently promoted lieutenant of Brigadier Preston 's regiment , one of the senior corps of the army .
8 Two or three weeks away from the home environment in a tense atmosphere at the site of a recently crashed aircraft where everyone , officials and public alike , is looking to you to resolve the puzzle of how it came about can be stimulating , even exciting .
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