Example sentences of "of [art] major [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 One of the major problems of building a theory of soil erosion is the high degree of contingency which always accompanies any explanation of soil erosion at a particular place .
2 The Shah 's own household had provided him with one of the major problems of his reign .
3 One of the major problems of fossil fuels and particularly coal is pollution .
4 This is one of the major problems of the civilianisation program .
5 One of the major problems of investment trust shares trading at a discount is that the company becomes a relatively attractive proposition for predators , particularly other financial institutions wishing to buy a ready-made diversified portfolio of assets ( at a discount ) .
6 One of the major qualities of Michael 's performance was that he had to speak in three accents : one way to his troops , as their superior ; another way to the officers , his superiors ; and a third way to the German who had captured him .
7 Thus , for example , one of the major sources of income of elderly people is the occupational pension .
8 They are also likely to lead to differences in the way brainstem structures work , since the cerebral cortex of mammals is one of the major sources of input to these areas .
9 Our present study was designed to examine one of the major sources of information available to people about rape and sexual assault — newspaper reports of the crimes .
10 One of the major sources of revulsion against offenders who profit from their crimes may arise from the practice of some sections of the media to pay an offender for the right to an interview or the right to publish her or his story , so-called ‘ cheque-book ’ journalism .
11 The budget still represents one of the major sources of executive-assembly controversy .
12 Corruption among the Party officials who ran the system of supply and distribution of goods became one of the major sources of conflict between the senior generals and the Party .
13 So far as we know he was never a merchant , and he never went on crusade , but had he been he would have experienced all the five ways in which travel fundamentally impinged on the folk of the twelfth century ; and if we consider the impact made by the wandering scholars and the growing universities , the flow of litigants and diplomats to and from the papal Curia , the countless pilgrims and pilgrimages , the crusades at their most popular , and the commercial revolution upon the world of the central Middle Ages — then a love of travel and a readiness to travel must be accounted one of the major catalysts of change .
14 It must be one of the major frustrations of being a veterinary surgeon that you can never convince your patients that you are on their side and are working tirelessly to save them and help them back to full health .
15 Despite being one of the major streams of modern sociological thought , the theoretical tradition founded by Max Weber ( 1964–1920 ) has to date produced little explicitly Weberian penology .
16 She saw it as one of the major manifestations of eighteenth-century philanthropic puritanism .
17 He had been a survivor of many of the major actions of the war , firstly as a volunteer soldier and later as a commissioned officer .
18 This was used as one of the major defences of the British aid programme in Nepal which was to concentrate their efforts in villages with a predominant presence of ex-Gurkha soldiers which would encourage both better rapport between British field officers and farmers , as well as an ( ex- ) army-style sense of organisation , discipline and work-practice within the village itself .
19 Since others will be dealing with this in some detail , I will restrict myself to brief comments on some of the major areas of concern in respect of special educational needs .
20 In the end , as a review of the major areas of American foreign policy in the 1950s suggests , Republican actions did not differ radically from those of their Democratic predecessors .
21 One of the major areas of historical research in recent years involving scholars from several countries has been the rise and decline of slavery in the Americas and its impact on the growth of the industrial societies bordering the north Atlantic .
22 The object of establishing the Centre is the development of research which can be used to measure and evaluate the functions of social work , which is one of the major areas of local government activity in Scotland .
23 The sovereign powers of the 50 individual states of the Union have declined continuously for at least 120 years and are severely circumscribed or non-existent in many of the major areas of public policy .
24 The sovereign powers of the individual states of the Union ( now numbering 50 ) have declined continuously for at least 120 years and are severely circumscribed or non-existent in many of the major areas of public policy .
25 One of the major areas of research in speech recognition concerns the ways in which general linguistic knowledge can compensate for such errorful or ambiguous acoustic input .
26 Tourism has developed with considerable speed into one of the major industries of the modern world , and much of its current shape and nature is the result of British innovation during the past 150 years .
27 This is not to diminish Sacrosanctum Concilium , which ranks with the Constitutions on the Church , on Scripture and the Pastoral Mission of the Church as one of the major documents of Vatican II , but at least as much as they — and perhaps more so — it had been prepared for during the pontificate of Pius XII .
28 One of the major findings of criminology in the last decade has been the importance of repeat victimisation as a contributor to the overall crime rate .
29 From the passages on servants discussed above , the description of work can be judged one of the major concerns of the poem .
30 This is not to say that it would not encourage efforts at more intense integration : indeed , this was to be one of the major concerns of the Assembly .
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