Example sentences of "of [pron] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In spite of their support of the Conservative Party , the leaders of British industry have made it plain that there are limits to the extent to which they are prepared to sacrifice profitability in giving support to the government 's inner city policies .
2 Either schools will have to lend the bulk of their support to the organization and teaching forms which are associated with more traditional forms of assessment , or they will have to recognize the full implications of new forms of recording achievement and adjust their procedures accordingly .
3 The trouble with some of those who make much of their support for the health service is that they also oppose any measures taken to make it more effective .
4 But one should not ignore the fact that there were many Catholics who found themselves opposing Franco because of their support for the independence movements .
5 Rearmament created bottlenecks in the supply of skilled labour , placing trade unions in a position to press for changes in foreign policy as a condition of their support for the ‘ dilution ’ of labour .
6 They objected because Nkrumah had set up a ‘ Ghana National College ’ for the education of students expelled because of their support during the banishment of the Big Six ; they objected to his launching of the Accra Evening News , an anti-colonial voice which achieved immediate popularity ; most of all they objected to his Committee on Youth Organisation , set up as a branch of the UGCC .
7 He could also understand that a Labour government led by Harold Wilson might be reluctant to arrest Jim Smyth or Harry Murray because of their support among the workers and their trade union links .
8 However , these organisations drew the bulk of their support from the Marcher territories , where anti-Semitism took second place to the fight against Polish influence .
9 The Communists , PCP also have one member and their colleagues , UDD or United Democratic Party , have two members and draw most of their support from the Machico area .
10 They are nevertheless pleased not to see a greater erosion of their support after the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the virtual disappearance of Communist parties in the West .
11 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) owes much of its support to the rural electorate , including the fishing communities .
12 On Aug. 31 , the chairman of the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet , Leonid Kravchuk , banned the activity of the republican Communist Party , because of its support for the coup .
13 The Goa Congress had attracted most of its support from the Christian and Konkani-speaking southern area of the state , and in large part the election in November was fought on communal lines with the Hindu-dominated MGP campaigning for recognition of Marathi as a full official language for the state .
14 The PBS , which came to power soon after its formation in 1985 , gained most of its support from the mainly Christian Kadazan ethnic group and from the Chinese ; however , the party also made some inroads into what had previously been USNO-controlled Moslem constituencies .
15 I think basically having having heard the argument put forward from from both sides what what we 're really talking about is a is a policy that in in terms of its support from the districts it depends whether or not any particular district council might have such a use for the policy .
16 The Family Endowment Society widened the basis of its support in the 1920s because ‘ family allowances could be approached from so many directions with such an infinite variety of emphasis and application .
17 In 1867 Newman Hall visited America , or at least the northern states , where he was assured a warm welcome because of his support of the North during the recent war .
18 In 1790 , when the county of Cromarty was being contested , one of the freeholders serving in the army demanded , as the price of his support for the candidate favoured by Henry Dundas , that he should be given a company in a regiment stationed in Britain .
19 It was understood that , despite Sharif 's urging him to stay on , Yaqub Khan had been under intense pressure from sections of the IDA critical of his support for the US-led alliance in the Gulf .
20 Nebot , 46 , a former governor of the western Guayas province and the representative of powerful commercial interests , received most of his support in the Pacific coastal region .
21 Thank you , I am pleased to hear of your support for the principle of settlements which no doubt you 'll agree with me would tend to safeguard settlements within the greenbelt .
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