Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun sg] called [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That idea changed when he grew interested in a set of computer software called Visicalc with which people can produce and manipulate tabular information on a computer screen .
2 Late in the eighteenth century a distinguished West of England breeder called James White Parsons experimented to create a new breed by crossing his Devons with French and Indian cattle of unspecified breed .
3 ‘ Then I 'll get some , ’ she decided on the spot , and embarked on a small spending spree , ending up with a bottle of Becherovka , a bottle of plum brandy called Slivovitz and a presentation box of some sweet wafer biscuits called Oplatky which were traditional to the area .
4 Battling with the hospital bureaucrats , he 's finally permission to experiment using a new drug aimed at sufferers of Parkinson disease called L Dopa .
5 In the early 1970s he introduced a type of tournament competition called knockdown , which , since it allows full power strikes to the body , he believed was the only true test of a karateka 's fighting ability .
6 It is to be presumed both these amulets have been enchanted ; for the first very much resembles a common pebble ; the other is that species of fossil shell called Gryphites . "
7 It is to be presumed both these amulets have been enchanted ; for the first very much resembles a common pebble ; the other is that species of fossil shell called Gryphites . "
8 After this date , and until 18 March 1986 , a form of death duty called capital transfer tax applied .
9 Any analytic approach in linguistics which involves contextual considerations , necessarily belongs to that area of language study called pragmatics .
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