Example sentences of "be defined as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Recreational reading can be defined as a pastime by which the reader fills in time pleasantly .
2 The equations of general relativity , which relate the curvature of space-time with the distribution of mass and energy , can not be defined as a singularity .
3 As a further stage , Major proposed the creation of a new " hard ecu " whereby the ECU would no longer be defined as a basket of currencies but would become a genuine international currency in its own right ; managed by the EMF , the hard ecu would ( inside the ERM ) stay within its margins and at realignments would never devalue against other EC currencies .
4 First , ‘ boy labour ’ came to be defined as a problem which , together with the ‘ discovery ’ of adolescence , meant that working-class youth attained a hitherto unknown pre-eminence among social theorists and reformers .
5 It can be defined as a lack of bus stations .
6 Held , that , since in Part III of the Insolvency Act 1986 there was no definition of ‘ company ’ in relation to administrative receivers , by virtue of section 251 of that Act the definition in section 735 of the Companies Act 1985 applied and , therefore , unless the contrary intention appeared , ‘ company ’ was to be defined as a company registered under the Companies Acts ; but that a contrary intention was to be deduced from the proper construction of the provisions relating to administrative receivers generally and the Act of 1986 as a whole , whereby it appeared that Parliament intended that ‘ company , ’ in the context of section 29(2) ( a ) , should not be confined to the prima facie meaning of companies registered under the Companies Acts but should embrace unregistered companies liable to be wound up under Part V of the Act of 1986 ; and that , accordingly , the applicants were administrative receivers within the meaning of section 29(2) ( post , pp. 243F–G , 244A–C , D–G , 245F — 246A ) .
7 This can be defined as a state of circulatory collapse which leads to low arterial blood pressure and oxygen shortage in the tissues .
8 Pluralism can be defined as a system of interest representation in which the constituent units are organised into an unspecified number of multiple , voluntary , competitive , nonhierarchically ordered and self-determined ( as to type or scope of interest ) categories which are not specially licensed , recognised , subsidised , created or otherwise controlled in leadership selection or interest articulation by the state and which do not exercise a monopoly of representational activity within their respective categories .
9 Corporatism can be defined as a system of interest representation in which the constituent units are organised into a limited number of singular , compulsory , noncompetitive , hierarchically ordered and functionally differentiated categories , recognised or licensed ( if not created ) by the state and granted a deliberate representational monopoly within their respective categories in exchange for observing certain controls on their selection of leaders and articulation of demands and supports .
10 The professional , however , can be defined as a person who practises theory or theoretizes practice ; indeed , the very concept of professional expertise implies both knowledge and use .
11 A straight line can be defined as a curve of infinite or very large radius .
12 The Cultural Revolution could in fact be defined as a process by which ‘ a highly mobilized population should permanently transform its society , led by the ‘ reds ’ , no matter whether they were Party members or not ’ ( Krug 1981 , p. 72 ) .
13 ‘ Module-details ’ has to be defined as a set of atomic attributes , not as a group item , thus it has to be broken down into its constituents of ‘ module-name ’ , ‘ status ’ and ‘ unit-points ’ :
14 But the general result , for all its great unevenness between writers , was a specific kind of social relationship which can be defined as a form of professional independence within integrated and dominant market relations .
15 So far as assistance to grandchildren in adult life is concerned , the American evidence suggests that grandparents do assist financially and that they define this assistance as a gift , unlike financial support between the other two generations which is more likely to be defined as a loan , or as part of an exchange ( Hill , 1970 , pp. 69–70 ) .
16 A minimal narrative can be defined as a sequence of two clauses which are temporally ordered : that is , a change in their order will result in a change in the temporal sequence of the original semantic interpretation ( Labov 1972 : 359 – 60 ) .
17 For example , the Church of Scientology has fought in the courts of Australia to be defined as a religion in order to be able to claim tax-exemption , while The Science of Creative Intelligence ( Transcendental Meditation ) has fought in the courts of the United States to be not given religious status so that it can be taught in the public ( State ) schools — a practice denied to religious organisations by the First Amendment of the United States ' Constitution .
18 Sleep can be defined as a period of reduced consciousness usually occurring at night , during which most body functions are slow or inactive .
19 A CONSTITUTION MAY BE DEFINED as a body of laws , customs , and conventions that define the composition and powers of organs of the state and that regulate the relations of the various state organs to one another and to the private citizen .
20 Ethnicity can be defined as an identification with real or imagined racial or national traditions .
21 In this case , the writer 's revisions have turned the meaning of the original into its opposite : the original ( a ) says that stylistics is rarely an exercise in describing what use is made of language ; but the revision ( b ) says that stylistics should be defined as an exercise in describing what use is made of language .
22 Foreplay , for instance , can rightly be defined as an activity intended to culminate in sexual intercourse , which means an engaged couple should not have entered into this yet .
23 ‘ Appropriate ’ technology might usefully be defined as an idea which is of benefit to the people of developing countries , and which meets the following criteria :
24 A contract may be defined as an agreement enforceable at law .
25 I shall begin by concentrating on the ego , which may be defined as an agency of the personality differentiated from the wholly unconscious id by its responsibilities for the control of voluntary movement .
26 I would suggest that a sexual problem might best be defined as an obstacle to the satisfaction of sexual need — that need which arises in us partly from innate instinct and urge , partly from the circumstances of any given time , and which is tempered by our personal upbringing and development , our moral outlook and the social norms to which we subscribe .
27 An ‘ idea-meme ’ might be defined as an entity that is capable of being transmitted from one brain to another .
28 Any data element in the organisation must be defined as an entity , an attribute or a relationship and recorded in the data dictionary .
29 Special Service may be defined as an action ranging between but not including the work of the single agent on the one hand , and on the other , the full-scale combined operation .
30 A court school , such as Alcuin led , may be defined as an institution for harnessing learning to political purposes , all kinds of learning including biblical learning .
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