Example sentences of "be related to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Slightly different problems arise in our next example , though again they are related to the relationship between the various topics being introduced : The " Sonnet on the Death of Mr Richard West " contains many half-rhymes and can be split into two groups , the octave and the sestet .
2 The general picture that emerges from these patterns of variation is one in which simplification patterns and loss of regularity and consistency are related to the weakening of network strength and the development of patterns of weak ties .
3 Dietary preferences of the predators are closely linked with the preferred hunting habitats of the different species , and these in turn are related to the way in which the predators hunt .
4 As we have already discovered , many of the problems we face are related to the way we see things , our world view .
5 Bargaining levels are related to the structure of the parties themselves in collective bargaining , particularly the extent to which their own respective organisations are strongly centralised ( federated ) at national level , and to the extent or density of unionisation of a country 's labour force ( Clegg , 1976 ) .
6 There are two aspects of this that have to be considered : the relation between territory size , hunting areas and group sizes in predators ; and how these are related to the diversity of prey taken by different predators .
7 ‘ My greatest hope is that we shall gain a deeper knowledge of who we are and how we are related to the Universe , and that this knowledge will further the evolutionary progression of our collective consciousness . ’
8 The investigation of the language of popfiction is here conducted , in the author 's own words , at three levels : " a level of verbal choice and organisation , a level of narrative structure , and a level at which stylistic options and devices are related to the ideologies of manliness and womanliness which we either bring to our reading or derive from it " ( p. xi ) .
9 Especially note that the senses in which the signal e.m.f.s act are related to the senses of the input and output signal currents .
10 In this approach , solutions in the interaction region for or are related to the functions and , and hence S may be obtained as a function of f and g .
11 Linguistically and culturally they are related to the Semai about whom Robarchek is writing in this volume .
12 To some extent , the latter are related to the North-South drift described in the previous section , but they are also partly the outcome of a general shift of population from more urban to more rural areas .
13 The interest rates on the deposits are fixed for the term and are related to the London Interbank Bid Rate ( LIBID ) of the same term .
14 A /t/ which occurs before the recognition point must be used for the purposes of recognising the spoken word : but it appears not to be used for making phoneme-monitoring decisions , since monitoring latencies are related to the word 's recognition point , not to the point at which the target occurred .
15 The research will analyse whether expenditure changes are related to the change in the degree of accountability faced by different local authorities .
16 The practical considerations involved in the storage of samples at a number of different conditions of temperature and humidity are related to the scale of the operation .
17 The University of Oxford 's policy and practice require that entry into employment with the University and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post and the relevant salary structure .
18 The University of Oxford 's policy and practice require that entry into employment with the University and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post and the relevant salary structure .
19 In the French LFAs , subsidised loans are the more common incentive for capital developments ; capital grants are fixed at a lower level than in the UK and are related to the degree of handicap .
20 Sensitivities of fitness to changes in both fertility and mortality are related to the probability of reaching the age of gene expression , and are inversely proportional to the generation time .
21 Descendants of the nomadic ‘ hordes ’ of Central Asia , many of them are related to the minority peoples of the Soviet Union , whom they closely resemble .
22 The two major problems involved are related to the spelling changes that can occur when morphemes combine and the multiple segmentations that are possible for many words .
23 The first is the easiest to remember since it uses characters that are related to the name of the function the sequences is performing ( as mnemonic ) .
24 Profit margins , however , are related to the level of demand for building work as well as fee competition .
25 In France , HLCAs and capital grants are related to the level of handicap ; only a crude distinction is made in the UK .
26 The employment status , income , lifestyle and leisure activities of household members are related to the level of physical disability of elderly persons in the household through an analysis of the General Household Survey for 1980 .
27 These patterns are related to the patterns of input but already selective recoding has begun , since some aspects of the input will activate the nervous system more than others .
28 Figure 1.1 represents what I see as the equivalent for teaching RE and shows how these qualities are related to the attitude of five-fold respect discussed above ( p. 2 ) .
29 Their positions have now been filled by Mr Namadra Singh and Mr Giljod Singh , neither of whom , surprisingly , are related to the chairman .
30 When these higher costs are related to the expectation of lifetime employment for regular workers , there was a real incentive for large firms to stabilize their own labour force .
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