Example sentences of "be suggested that [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Generally , it may be suggested that a financial background is useful .
2 Your query may be referred to a specialist SCOTVEC officer or it might be suggested that an external verifier should visit you .
3 Indeed , it may be suggested that the substantive issue of subsidiarity will be essentially non-justiciable , as the present author has suggested to the House of Lords .
4 It might be suggested that the employed women make up a particular group with respect to housework attitudes : women who are dissatisfied with housework may turn to employment as a palliative .
5 On this basis , it can be suggested that the two mathematical educational subcultures existed both at the level of ideas and at the level of social relations .
6 It can be suggested that the fiduciary duties imposed on directors subject them to similar standards of review by the courts .
7 More generally , it can be suggested that the social reforms which have been pursued through educational reform in the post-war period , prior to collapse of the liberal consensus and its political constituency , need to be approached through a direct assault upon the structural sources of inequality in demand-side institutions .
8 On the basis of the much more complete seismic data available by the late 196()s it was being suggested that the inclined zone of seismicity ( the Wadati-Benioff zone ) associated with island arcs and active continental margin mountain belts could be explained by the existence of a slab of lithosphere plunging down into the mantle .
9 It is suggested that a five year timespan may be too long .
10 It is suggested that a useful starting point might be to classify the nine major points of difference which are outlined as distinguishing the two value positions .
11 It is suggested that a brief indication of the contents of a module should be given here .
12 Building on the recognition that families have repetitive patterns of behaviour it is suggested that a social worker joins a family group , by listening to each individual in turn .
13 The lack of liquid refreshment during a two hour meeting could be seen as a lack of courtesy and , if this occurs again , it is suggested that a tactful reference to the need for a drink be made during the meeting — the result may be only a glass of water , but that is better than nothing !
14 If the order is to be disrupted it is because one of the younger sons shows remarkable promise but being a ‘ family ’ anxious to demonstrate tolerance , envy and jealousy are masked and can certainly be dissipated if it is suggested that the elder brothers had a hand in the development .
15 If the plan is small scale or consists of an extract of the Ordnance Survey map it is suggested that the verbal description should prevail .
16 It is suggested that the specific objectives of any given test be clearly identified before the test is started , since only if the objectives are clearly defined can the test be carried out most efficiently and with the greatest economy of time and effort .
17 It is suggested that the civil , political and social elements of Marshall 's version of the citizenship of entitlement are essential but not sufficient for a modern concept .
18 In the context of this paper it is suggested that the following principles are added : dementia sufferers should be maintained in their own homes for as long as possible dementia sufferers should be maintained in their own community for as long as possible the number of moves should be kept to a minimum the independence , dignity and privacy of the sufferer must be respected the dementia sufferers must be involved as far as possible in discussions and decisions regarding their care and any possible move carers or potential carers should be involved in the decision-making process .
19 Should the same scenario arise under the new law , it is suggested that the following analysis applies .
20 As it is unlikely that the Director will wish to individually sign several hundred letters , it is suggested that the following steps are taken :
21 If you choose to have only one copy mounted by entering P or S it is suggested that the other option is chosen for the next run and thereafter P and S are chosen alternately for successive Offline Cycles .
22 It is suggested that the first unifying theme for 1992 should be ‘ The work of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ’ , and that work should start on preparing a modular exhibit , parts of which can be convertible to form smaller mobile exhibition stands for erection at other venues .
23 It is suggested that the first of these reasons would no longer be valid if litigated again ( see Multiservice Bookbinding Ltd v Marden [ 1979 ] Ch 84 , where Browne-Wilkinson J upheld a mortgage under which the interest payments were linked to the value of the Swiss franc , cited with apparent approval by Lord Denning MR in Staffordshire Area Health Authority v South Staffordshire Waterworks Co [ 1978 ] 3 All ER 769 ) .
24 In both these species , though , the major fruiting peak occurred when most other species were not in fruit , and it is suggested that the two species fruit asynchronously at relatively short intervals .
25 It is suggested that the best solution is to combine both methods .
26 As most pancreatitis episodes in men are caused by alcohol abuse , and as the increase in the incidence of pancreatitis discharges took place particularly in men between 25–64 years of age , and this group consumes most of the alcohol in the country , it is suggested that the increased alcohol consumption and the increased incidence of pancreatitis discharges may have a causal relation .
27 It is suggested that the critical levels coincide with those below which the rate of litter accumulation exceeds its breakdown and that the ecological optimum may represent that of the dipterocarps ' mycorrhizae .
28 ( m ) It is suggested that the accused who can be traced ( e.g. he has put his name and address on the back of a cheque ) can still be guilty of making off .
29 There are no critical layout requirements although it is suggested that the decoupling capacitor , C1 , be placed close to the supply pins of the microcontroller IC1 .
30 " If a simple test … is desired for ascertaining into which category a covenant falls , it is suggested that the proper inquiry should be whether the covenant affects either the landlord qua landlord or the tenant qua tenant .
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