Example sentences of "be suggested that [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It might also be suggested that for officers of an LEA to concentrate time and resources on prescribing how the physical arrangements of classrooms should be attended to represents a rather demeaning view of teachers and heads , whose proper concern such matters undoubtedly are .
2 In the notes to Form 22 in the Schedule , which deals with inquisitions , it is suggested that in cases , inter alia , of death from natural causes , where appropriate the words ‘ and the cause of death was aggravated by lack of care ’ may be added .
3 It has also been suggested that during lactation a reduction in milk yield might result from oedema and increased permeability of the abomasal mucosa , possibly due to hypersensitivity reaction associated with the continued ingestion and destruction of large numbers of L3 .
4 However it has also been suggested that in areas such as science , engineering and medicine , the linearity of knowledge between school and higher education poses particular difficulties for mature students if their levels of preparedness in appropriate subjects compares unfavourably with traditionally qualified school leavers .
5 It has been suggested that in species where reproductive success varies more widely among males than females and is influenced by parental investment , parents who can afford to invest heavily in their offspring should produce sons while those that can not do so should tend to produce daughters ( Trivers & Willard , 1973 ) .
6 While this is true inasmuch as political futures are at stake , it has been suggested that in Britain deals with quite explicit electoral implications are rare .
7 On the basis of these and similar findings , it has been suggested that in cases of small tumours up to 1 cm in diameter , endoscopic removal or local excision would be sufficient , but that larger or numerous carcinoid tumours should be treated by gastric resection or gastrectomy with removal of regional lymph notes .
8 Recently , it has been suggested that in humans gastric acid and serum pepsinogen secretion rates increase with age as does the prevalence of H pylori infection .
9 It has been suggested that in view of the associations with Wrexham , where there was a printing department , many more tickets were supplied to the BCR than were needed .
10 It has been suggested that from time to time , sound engineers should show staff how much they pollute the environment and by means of this simple measurement , educate staff to prevent noise pollution .
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