Example sentences of "be raised [prep] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 English law , for example , provides an offence of rape and attempted rape on the one hand with maximum penalties of life imprisonment , and indecent assault on the other , with a maximum penalty which has recently been raised from two to ten years ’ imprisonment .
2 The marginal interest rate had early on Nov. 19 been raised from 11.5 to 20 per cent , in an attempt to defend the krona , but cut again to 12.5 per cent by the end of the day , by which time the krona had lost around 9 per cent of its value against the deutschmark .
3 The target for electricity generated by combined heat and power ( CHP ) schemes has been raised from 4,000 to 5,000 megawatts .
4 Under the social security reforms , announced on Sept. 6 , various separate pension funds including two virtually bankrupt state funds were to be merged into the heavily indebted state welfare organization IKA ; the retirement age was to be raised in 1998 to 58 for women and to 60 for men ( women being currently eligible for a pension after 15 years ' work and men after 25 years ) .
5 As from April 1 the basic public-sector wage would be raised from 100,000 to 450,000 australs per month .
6 It therefore recommends that the maximum penalty for a section 2 offence should be raised from two to five years .
7 The majority considered that such cases should in future be dealt with under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 , s.3(1) , which makes it a crime to procure a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse in any part of the world and that the penalty for this offence should be raised from two to five years ' imprisonment .
8 While a good proportion of the West Coast route could be raised from 100 to l25mph at reasonable cost , there are many locations where it is necessary to impose speed restrictions because of curvature and track geometry .
9 At the very least , we urged , the age of exemption should be raised from 16 to 18 .
10 Their jurisdiction should be raised from 40s to £10 ; similar courts should be set up in every county ; the jury should be reduced to four .
11 Their existence , like that of other nationalist splinter groups , was vital to the continuance of a Labour government , and private negotiations with them ( amongst whom was now numbered Enoch Powell ) ensured that their numbers in the new House of Commons would be raised from 12 to 18 .
12 Under the agreement , which was supplemented by measures worth 10,000 million kronor to support employment , pensions were frozen and the pensionable age would be raised from 65 to 66 over four years .
13 It is strongly rumoured that the eligibility ceiling for the increased aid formerly available to ‘ Objective One ’ areas is being raised from 75 to 80 per cent , thus allowing the Highlands and Islands to scrape into consideration .
14 The paper also noted , using the 1978 study as a base , that training at 60 to 90 per cent of maximum heart rate for 20 to 60 minutes was increased from a minimum of 15 minutes , and intensity levels were raised by 15 to 30 per cent .
15 Bank liquidity reserve ratios were raised from 18 to 19 per cent , and withholding taxes on high-yielding investment accounts were raised from 20 to 25 per cent .
16 Bank liquidity reserve ratios were raised from 18 to 19 per cent , and withholding taxes on high-yielding investment accounts were raised from 20 to 25 per cent .
17 Is it more or less progressive if the exemption is raised from 2000 to 5000 ?
18 Moreover , poorer clubs were anxious not to find themselves in a wages-auction with richer ones and the FA finally set a £4 a week maximum in 1900 , which was raised in 1909 to £5 for senior professionals with a club .
19 For example , wave propagation rates in pancreatic acinar cells increased from 57 to 95μms -1 when the concentration of acetylcholine was raised from 0.1 to 1.0μM .
20 For cereals the " co-responsibility levy " on production — to help pay for storing and disposing of surpluses — was raised from 3 to 5 per cent ( rather than 6 per cent as proposed by the Commission ) except for farmers taking 15 per cent of their land out of production for a year .
21 Agreed amendments to the law increased the number of Senate seats for the city of Bucharest from seven to 14 and the total number of seats in the Assembly of Deputies was raised from 331 to 387 .
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