Example sentences of "be directed at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 those which employ a method or means of combat which can not be directed at a specific military objective ; or
2 But whatever criticisms might be directed at the Japanese judgment , it remains important as the one case in which a court has ruled on the legality of actual use of nuclear weapons .
3 These instruments can be directed at the two monetary targets , the money supply and interest rates .
4 Before pursuing this theme , attention should be directed at the other issue arising from Brockway 's declaration , the abolitionist stance , which eschews efforts to improve life within prisons in favour of seeking to be entirely rid of the prison system .
5 The crude satire seems to be directed at the fashionable protest singers of the time , who , while singing songs against the materialistic values of American society , are worried about the receipts from their concerts .
6 This reassurance , though commonly assumed to be directed at the British , was almost equally directed at Europe 's smaller countries .
7 These ‘ free attacks ’ will be directed at the slowest character , who will almost certainly be slain .
8 Crude advertising discrimination has tended to be directed at the socialist rather than social-democratic press , thus exempting the mass-circulation , pro-Labour papers that have flourished ; … small circulation publications further to the left which have tended to be poor advertising media , judged by the commercial criterion employed by advertising agencies , have probably also suffered as a consequence of overt political discrimination .
9 Journals or papers designed to be sold in a number of African countries can succeed commercially , as some have shown in recent years , but these are directed at a limited , élite readership .
10 The implications of these general approaches to ontogenesis for the nature of the artefact become clearer when they are directed at a specific problem , the nature of play .
11 There are a number of amendments to Schedule 5 which are directed at the same broad objective though they go somewhat further than the suggestions I have described .
12 The two most central criticisms , though , have been directed at the aggregate effects of such a method of election .
13 But is the consciousness of a beautiful object properly conceived as consisting in two distinct things , consciousness and the object , standing in a certain relation ( of the one being directed at the other ) which makes no difference to what each of them is in itself ?
14 Mary Ann Doane 's argument concerning the ‘ women 's films ’ of the 1940s , for example , was that these products of mainstream fiction cinema were directed at a female audience and thus did construct a female gaze .
15 Apart from this consideration , Soviet spokesmen implied that there was little difference between Gailani 's stand and the essence of the Carrington Plan : both were directed at a thorough recomposition of the Marxist DRA government .
16 In fact before the first year of this trial was completed , some 80 per cent of decision packages were approved almost automatically and resources were directed at the remaining 20 per cent of packages .
17 In the Zartmann experiment a narrow beam of vaporised metal atoms is directed at a rotating cylindrical drum ( see figure 3.9 ) .
18 Ordinary inquiry is directed at the efficient settlement of belief , so that error or ignorance will not interfere with our practical concerns .
19 Allen ( 1983 ) argued that provided treatment is directed at the underlying cause , most leg ulcers will heal spontaneously , which experience has proved to be true .
20 We 've now moved on in part of question your question five B and erm in my response to that I 'm suggesting , and I hope it 's not just semantics , picking up the point made just before we broke for coffee , is that there 's all sorts of things called the countryside , and this policy is is directed at the open countryside .
21 In the British version , which was directed at a younger age group ( 10–12 years ) with a lower smoking prevalence , the objective was to minimise or delay uptake .
22 This means that missile throwing , although technically perhaps falling within the ambit of this offence , would place on the prosecutor the burden of proving that the missile was directed at a human being rather than at property .
23 This was no general or casual interest , but was directed at no other marriage than his own .
24 The proportion of absentee canons at each is a good indicator of royal exploitation , which obviously was directed at the better endowed prebends .
25 John Major 's onslaught on the pessimists who ‘ talk Britain down ’ was directed at the Labour Party leadership , who he did not mention by name .
26 The British Gas flotation , in November 1986 , raised almost £6 billion and , like the BT offer , was directed at the private shareholders .
27 The fury of the critics was directed at the intellectual poet who wrote deliberately like a simpleton in the Lyrical Ballads and the Poems of 1807 .
28 Much criticism was directed at the original proposal to terminate the East Approach to Leith on Baileyfield Road , with no improvements for the King 's Road traffic light controlled junction at Portobello .
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