Example sentences of "be imposed on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although there are cases where a significant field difference has only been found when some form of retention interval has been imposed on the subject ( e.g. Dee and Fontenot , 1973 ) it is unlikely that these are the only circumstances in which reliable effects occur ( Schmuller , 1980 ) .
2 A similar sentence had been imposed on the King of France , Philip Augustus in 1200 , for his failure to comply with the pope 's wishes and exile Agnes of Meran and take back Ingeborg as his wife and queen .
3 An extraordinary property tax has been imposed on the value of buildings in Italy held at 11 July 1992 , irrespective of the buildings ' use .
4 New regulations aimed at preserving wildlife and natural resources have been imposed on the fishing industry in the South Atlantic .
5 Strict crop movement and hygiene controls have been imposed on the farm and MAFF plant health and seeds inspectors are carrying out investigations of the surrounding area .
6 Severe restrictions have been imposed on the use of a fungicide used widely on fruit and vegetables since 1977 .
7 For this reason there is a degree of worry about recent budget cuts that have been imposed on the information section at NACAB central office .
8 A corporate finance client will only enjoy the benefit of modified Conduct of Business rules imposed on the Firm rather than the full Conduct of Business Rules which are imposed on the Firm when dealing with Investment Business clients .
9 Whatever the signal source , the designer needs to know what restrictions are imposed on the timing of the control signals by the parameters of the drive , motor and load .
10 5.7.1 At the Tenant 's own expense to execute all works and provide and maintain all arrangements upon or in respect of the Premises or the use to which the Premises are being put that are required in order to comply with the requirements of any statute ( already or in the future to be passed ) or any government department , local authority other public or competent authority or court of competent jurisdiction regardless of whether such requirements are imposed on the lessor the lessee or the occupier
11 Where one party wins the battle of the forms , whether due to the inadvertent error or deliberate concession of the other party , the winner 's terms are imposed on the loser , and whilst the loser may be taken to have " accepted " the terms in law , there is no real agreement to them .
12 In the absence of express provision certain duties are imposed on the landlord at common law and by statute .
13 In the case of buildings let in separate parts for use as factories , more onerous duties are imposed on the landlord .
14 No special syntax forms are imposed on the searcher .
15 If the information is accidentally overheard or intercepted in circumstances where the owner of the information utters it or transmits it by insecure means ( for example , by telling someone in a crowded room or by transmitting the information by a public telecommunications system ) an obligation of confidence might not be imposed on the person obtaining the information in this manner .
16 Word level restrictions may be imposed on the lattice by only allowing character sequences that form words ( thereby allowing semantic and other higher-level to be applied ) .
17 Indeed Jacob values settlements sufficiently to suggest that a power , or perhaps even a duty , should be imposed on the court to promote a settlement or compromise between the parties .
18 To begin with those relating mainly to the Prague School , there seems , first , to be no objective way of determining what limits can be imposed on the description of the text 's structure .
19 The Directors may impose conditions on the exercise of options and it is proposed that such conditions will be imposed on the exercise of Discounted Options as reflect the guidelines of institutional investors from time to time .
20 Currently , to define quality , the floor area or number of bedrooms may be stipulated ; a restriction may also be imposed on the proportion of detached , semi-detached or terraced dwellings .
21 On the highly contentious issue of whether the CPSU should be a " vanguard " or a " parliamentary " party , Gorbachev reaffirmed that " the vanguard role can not be imposed on the community " , and that the party would operate as a " parliamentary " party in the sense that it would work to retain the mandate of the ruling party within the bounds of the democratic process .
22 In addition , a maximum fine of £1000 may be imposed on the defendant .
23 The birds , in particular albatrosses , are attracted to the baited hooks which are used for long-line fishing , and become caught in the nets and killed ; , Further restrictions are to be imposed on the establishment up of new fisheries in the area .
24 Third , no restrictions have to be imposed on the form of the hazard .
25 All in all , it was still impossible to predict that , within six years of the 1911 national transport stoppage , Wilson 's vision of a joint union-Shipping Federation board would be imposed on the industry and that within nine years it would have been accepted voluntarily by the Federation as the normal and accepted method of conducting business with Wilson and his colleagues .
26 What we do need to know , however , is how these complex restrictions can be imposed on the term structure model so that the rational expectations assumptions can be tested .
27 Indeed , a quota was said to be imposed on the number of warrants which the Home Office would permit the police at any one time in order to ensure that the need for existing warrants was carefully scrutinized .
28 Conditions could be imposed on the planning permission which would overrule the general permission given for such a change in use by the Use Classes Order ( Class 11 is ‘ use as an office for any purpose ’ ) .
29 The resolution is in substantially the same form as last year 's resolution , with the same limit of 5% of the issued ordinary share capital being imposed on the issue of new shares without first offering those securities to existing shareholders .
30 That quality , at least initially when combined with other innovation being imposed on the school system , is likely to lead to a distraction of the teachers ' time from the sort of effortless teaching strategies , hard won over decades , as they are drawn into the steep learning curve of the unfamiliar new language of the National Curriculum and its assessment .
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