Example sentences of "be dealt [prep] in the " in BNC.

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1 The political leadership within this cultural area assumed by the Franks , the alliance of their kings with the popes , and the achievement of Western Christianity under this leadership are dealt with in the next chapter .
2 Care proceedings are dealt with in the Magistrates ' Court and can result in children either being taken into care or being released from care .
3 Similarly prosecutions relating to water pollution and contravention of planning notices are dealt with in the Magistrates ' Court .
4 Seals are dealt with in the series issued by HMSO : Catalogue of Seals in the Public Record Office by R.E .
5 The supervisor 's fees are dealt with in the IVA itself .
6 The Board acknowledges that the subject of warrants raises wider issues than are dealt with in the FRED .
7 These self-help skills are dealt with in the next two chapters .
8 The various modifications which these organs undergo are of considerable taxonomic importance and are dealt with in the chapters devoted to the different orders of insects .
9 They are dealt with in the criminal courts .
10 These problems are dealt with in the next chapter .
11 Under the system of cash accounting , all three categories are dealt with in the same way : cash payments relating to each one are recorded as cash flows in the year in which they occur .
12 All other gains and losses on translation are dealt with in the profit and loss account .
13 The statutory terms ( as to title , description , quality and sample ) implied by sections 2–5 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 are dealt with in the same way as the corresponding terms implied in contracts of sale of goods .
14 In actual fact requests from overseas are dealt with in one of four regional committees and those from with Christian Aid are dealt with in the Budget Committee .
15 The two main tasks of acquiring oral/aural competence and achieving basic literacy are dealt with in the course 's two parallel streams .
16 Basic genetic analysis and chromosome theory are dealt with in the first year , while biochemical , molecular and physiological aspects of gene action are emphasised in the second year .
17 These issues are dealt with in the subsections that follow , though some of them naturally can only be dealt with fully in later chapters concerned with the details of industrial relations on the railways .
18 The other main aggregates are dealt with in the next chapter where the major macroeconomic policy objectives are discussed .
19 Complex and compound words are dealt with in the next chapter .
20 Just how a school 's budget is derived and totalled has been dealt with in the opening chapter , but perhaps headteachers should take time to disabuse certain governors of misconceptions they may have , usually culled from newspaper headlines .
21 Some motifs and compositions used in Turkoman rugs have already been dealt with in the section on Persian and universal designs .
22 And in reality , as the Criminal Statistics for 1990 bear out ( Home Office , 1991a ) , less than a third of such cases would have been dealt with in the magistrates ' courts by means of a custodial penalty at all ( compared with just under two-thirds in the Crown Court ) .
23 The matter would then have been dealt with in the ordinary way , after all counsel involved had been consulted .
24 Out of the eighty cases , thirty three have been dealt with in the following manner — 23 sent to Homes in Plymouth and London ; 1 sent to service in London , where she is doing well , 5 married and doing well ; 2 returned to their parents ; 1 provided with employment as a machinist and doing well ; 1 with children sent to the workhouse .
25 And since , as Mr Lawrence says , there could hardly be anything personal in the attack , we 're left with the probability that anyone who had happened along at that moment would have been dealt with in the same way .
26 Style as self-reference , on the other hand , has already been dealt with in the preceding two sections of this chapter ; linguistic deviation , according to the Prague School , and structures of equivalence , according to Jakobson , served the purpose of focusing attention on the linguistic message as a whole , of making it refer to itself .
27 In many cases the additional information simply added weight to what has already been dealt with in the attitude scales .
28 That 's well over ninety percent of the cases have been dealt with in the er , in the timescale that we 've set out and agreed with the health authority .
29 Something has already been said as to the assignment of ordinary debts and ‘ choses in action' ; and the law relating to negotiable instruments — bills of exchange , cheques , and promissory notes — will be dealt with in the next chapter .
30 The holding of dollar deposits outside the USA will be dealt with in the chapter on the euro-currency market .
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