Example sentences of "be derived from [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This suggests that the mare basalts and the highland rocks have both been derived from mantle rocks of intermediate density .
2 The certain selection-out of advantaged families into private education is ignored , since proportions of disadvantaged pupils are derived from Census figures covering all children aged under 17 .
3 The change in absorbance at 340 nm was measured between 0.5 and 100 seconds and results were derived from absorbance changes produced by eight standard solutions ( American Hospital Supply , UK ) .
4 The shallow burial phase was dominated by pore waters that were derived from surface environments and percolated down through the buried sediments ( Fig. 6 ) .
5 However , in case of foreign participation in excess of 20 per cent of the equity or 5 million forints the assessment is reduced by 20 per cent , but if more than half of the income is derived from manufacturing goods or carrying on the business of a hotel , and the stock capital exceeds 25 million forints and the foreign participation exceeds 30 per cent , then during the first five years the tax is reduced by 60 per cent and thereafter by 40 per cent .
6 Methanol is derived from fossil fuels — coal , natural gas , heavy oil , etc .
7 GRE forms a major component in the formula for determining the actual resource allocation , or the Block Grant ( £8.5 milliards in England for 1985/6 ) , which consists of the transfer from Central Government to augment the income that is derived from property rates .
8 The South therefore includes countries like Saudi Arabia with about 10m people and a GNP per capita of $12,230 per annum ; however , most of its income is derived from oil exports and investment income , and in economic and social terms it is still regarded as an underdeveloped country .
9 According to the naive inductivist , science starts with observation , observation supplies a secure basis upon which scientific knowledge can be built , and scientific knowledge is derived from observation statements by induction .
10 Lead ingots from Phylakopi , Melos and Aghia Irini , Kea , the three votive lead boats from an Early Cycladic grave on Naxos , the use of lead for small figurines and bracelets as well as for rivets used in mending pots , all go to suggest that the silver used in the Aegean during the third millennium B.C. was derived from galena ores .
11 A sample of older people was derived from age/sex registers of five general practices in Kent .
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