Example sentences of "be placed at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The positioning of electric equipment is important because of possible splashing with waterjets ; therefore , it is imperative that such equipment is specially protected and that outlet sockets are placed at a level where there is no danger of their coming into contact with water .
2 As tv onlookers we are placed at the centre of events no human being could ever witness in the flesh , by close-ups of a bomb's- eye view of the interior of a ventilator shaft right up to the moment of impact .
3 At Cirencester a panel containing a sixteen-petalled rosette has a comparable central device , however , the strongest comparisons are to be made with both of the Leicester mosaics , where eight-petalled rosettes similar to those in the Gloucester pavement are placed at the centre of a kaleidoscopic geometric design ( pI .
4 Our eyes are placed at the front of the head , a position shared by the eyes of cats , birds of prey and other hunters .
5 A case , or carton , something like that , had been placed at the bottom .
6 It contains all the elements that have normally been placed at the centre of crisis theory in the Marxist tradition , i.e. the falling rate of profit , excess capital , excess commodities .
7 Her trunk had been placed at the foot of her bed , whose curtains , in harmony with those at the window , were of heavy glazed chintz patterned with flowers .
8 Something had been placed at the top of the steps , a human figure , bundled up in a blanket .
9 They have been placed at the head of this chapter only because it is the extreme case which so often bothers the social worker in consideration of what he or she might be involved in if the sexual side of the work develops .
10 He had been placed at the head of the table , a Solomon come to judgement , but a far from happy one .
11 A pottery plaque has been placed at the entrance and her picture on the wall in the vestibule .
12 Yesterday flowers had been placed at the spot where the young schoolfriends died and a simple wooden cross bore the message ‘ To Deanne and Nadine with love . ’
13 It was agreed that chapters 15 to 17 should be printed on yellow-tinted paper , with the following explanation at the top of the contents page : ‘ For ease of reference , chapters 15 to 17 have been placed at the front of the report , adjacent to the proposals , and are printed on tinted paper . ’
14 If your item of concern has been placed at the end of the agenda , the probability is that time will run out and you may want to get it moved forward .
15 A priority order form has been placed at the end of this section .
16 Your Lordships accept that a civil court should never make an order that will inhibit the processes of the criminal law , but regard the letter written by a Principal Officer in the Crown Prosecution Service as a sufficient assurance that the prosecution will be placed at no disadvantage if pursuant to the order of the court the defendants produce a number of incriminating documents that can not be used in a prosecution .
17 Giant Vallis should be placed at the back corners , and will spread across the surface of the water as it grows , providing added shade and security for the inhabitants .
18 However , note that Squigs will attack any model that is n't a prodder-armed Night Goblin … so any character with the unit will have to be placed at the back to be safe !
19 If we were to construct a ‘ ladder ’ of non-fatal offences , starting with the most serious and moving down to the least serious , the offence of attempted murder should be placed at the top .
20 For this reason , if shelter sheds are placed in a paddock , they may have to be placed at the top of the hill and preferably near the gate .
21 To make a room look wider , long horizontal bands of mirror can be placed at the top and bottom of walls , or vertical floor to ceiling panels can be added to walls at right angles to a window .
22 The ecological approach demands that the physical needs of human beings ( food , shelter , fuel , reproduction ) be placed at the centre of the archaeological quest .
23 Some were cheered , however , by the news that thanks to lobbying by a group concerned with problems of underdevelopment , ‘ Schema 17 ’ , which treated of the Church and poverty , would be placed at the beginning of session three , to be introduced as soon as the debate on the Church had been completed .
24 It was dynastically imperative that the Prussian heir should be placed at the head of an army , too .
25 This needs to be placed at the angle which gives the best support for the material being used in relation to the pupil 's vision , and some initial experimenting with different angles of work may be needed in order to settle on this .
26 On Aug. 18 , however , the UK government did an about-turn when it announced that 1,800 soldiers would be placed at the disposal of the UN in order to ensure the protection of humanitarian convoys in Bosnia-Hercegovina .
27 In patients undergoing coronary artery revascularisation , epicardial implantable cardioverter defibrillator ( ICD ) patch electrodes and rate sensing leads can be placed at the time of surgery .
28 Indeed , in the range of kinds of organisations recognisably co-operative , it must be placed at the extreme .
29 Miss Tylee 's courtesy was unfailing — she was a neatly dressed lady who wore a velvet neckband and her ‘ pince-nez ’ or pinchers as we called them were attached to a thin gold necklet , ready to be placed at the end of her nose when she was searching for something required by her customers .
30 ‘ He was wide awake while the old Black and Decker was being drilled straight through his kneecap and a donor tendon was being placed at the back of his knee , which is unbelievably advanced surgery . ’
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