Example sentences of "be drawn up at the " in BNC.

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1 I want to consider whether the way in which environmental impact assessments are drawn up at the moment is satisfactory .
2 Agreements could be drawn up at the request of the government , the management or the unions : ‘ it was tripartism at the grass roots ’ ( Smith 1979 , p. 168 ) .
3 When we reached the hospital , four cars and a Land Rover were drawn up at the bungalow .
4 He looked straight at her , and she could tell from the way his lower eyelids were drawn up at the inner corners and his nostrils distended that he was trying not to cry .
5 As I recall , he had not been initially so preoccupied with the peace treaty when it was drawn up at the end of the Great War , and I think it is fair to say that his interest was prompted not so much by an analysis of the treaty , but by his friendship with Herr Karl-Heinz Bremann .
6 The Statement of principles and Objectives of the Federation was drawn up at the conference and signed by all the organizations present at the conference ( see Annex ) .
7 In June 1991 , a draft welfare charter was drawn up at the University of Witwatersrand recommending that ‘ free and compulsory education until the age of 16 be introduced ’ .
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