Example sentences of "be drawn from this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two conclusions have been drawn from this evidence :
2 The author notwithstanding , many conclusions can be drawn from this steel-trap of a book ; about Berlin in Thirties turmoil , for example , as observed by a keen-eyed young loner from Bristol .
3 Again , the positive message which can be drawn from this part of the whole episode ends up buried by default .
4 One conclusion that will be drawn from this principle is that gravitational fields affect electromagnetic radiation : light leaving a star is red shifted , and light passing near a star is deviated from a classical straight-line path ( Section 2.3 ) .
5 The overall conclusion to be drawn from this discussion is that the various lags can complicate the business of macroeconomic management , and may even make it counter-productive .
6 The conclusion to be drawn from this discussion is that , in higher education , authority has a reciprocal aspect .
7 The main conclusion to be drawn from this discussion is that a software-based System gives detailed control of the velocity profile up to medium stepping rates ( 1000 steps per second ) , but may limit high-speed performance , and is therefore well-suited to applications in which acceleration/deceleration operations predominate .
8 In sum , there are seven conclusions to be drawn from this survey :
9 There are a number of implications to be drawn from this observation which have relevance for the context of data .
10 Conclusions will then be drawn from this body of facts and these will be presented in narrative form .
11 Many conclusions can be drawn from this summary .
12 The inference which might be drawn from this analysis was that Eliot himself had conceived a homosexual passion for just such a young man and , when the article was reprinted four years after Eliot 's death , it was suggested to be Jean Verdenal , the Frenchman whom Eliot had met in Paris when he was a student there and to whom , after his death in the First World War , he dedicated Prufrock and Other Observations .
13 The major conclusion that can be drawn from this analysis is that users are generally satisfied with the information they receive , but there is no doubt that confusion still exists as to the range of information providers available .
14 It is not clear precisely why it was thought that inferences might be drawn from this revelation , but if they might , the jury should not be left alone to draw them .
15 The conclusion that could be drawn from this argument is that is not a phoneme of English , but is an allophone of several different vowel phonemes when those phonemes occur in an unstressed syllable .
16 Perhaps the single most important conclusion to be drawn from this review is that the monitoring , modelling and management of the global environment are tasks which uniquely require the integration of skills and techniques from many disciplines .
17 Another conclusion that can be drawn from this table is that , apart from the southern cone countries , those who work in the modern sector of the economy comprise a minority of the population .
18 The conclusion to be drawn from this chapter is clearly a somewhat negative one : the action project has made some difference to certain kinds of dementia sufferer , but overall its impact has been negligible .
19 What conclusions can be drawn from this experiment in democratic socialism ?
20 The conclusions which can be drawn from this examination of the use of state-funded welfare services by elderly people are that the ‘ older ’ among them obtain much more help than the ‘ younger ’ , primarily because , on average , they are much more disabled .
21 If a radius is drawn from this centre through the corner of the rectangle , the centre of the arc for the smaller flap is fixed automatically at the point of intersection of the radius and the major axis .
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