Example sentences of "be drawn [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 She had meant only to run up the road for a breath of air when the rain stopped and she had been drawn on into the spring evening until now she had half an hour 's brisk walk to get home .
2 Their eye-sockets have no bony floor , so when they blink , the eye-balls are drawn down into the skull and make a bulge in the roof of the mouth which squeezes the lump of food to the back of the throat .
3 The last thing she wanted , the day before she rode Shine On , was to be drawn back into the past .
4 Its 80-kilometre , elliptical layout is designed to carry water for six million Londoners to strategically placed pump shafts , from which it can be drawn off into the local network .
5 In the case of the breeding aquarium , even when gravel tidies are employed , the fry can end up being drawn through into the gravel , and lost .
6 Spain was changing , however , in spite of Franco 's reluctance to recognize the fact , for it was slowly being drawn back into the international mainstream .
7 But gradually the blood is drawn back into the body and the veins harden into rigid struts that will give the wing its strength .
8 After doing this for perhaps ten seconds , the fanners beside the entrance stop simultaneously and fresh air is drawn back into the hive .
9 He had talked with two colleagues about the possibility of fusion occurring when water is drawn down into the Earth 's mantle at boundaries between tectonic plates .
10 She pressed the only button , and the cage was drawn up into the heart of City Hall .
11 ‘ Yes … and although he himself wanted the contemplative life , he was drawn out into the world and given the episcopate of Strathclyde , at Glasgow , when he was twenty-five years old .
12 She was wearing huge aviator glasses , designed to hide but only drawing attention to the palely perfect face , the unlipsticked mouth , the silvery blonde hair fine as maize silk , which was drawn back into the nape of her neck .
13 Slowly , Aenarion was drawn down into the daemon 's innards .
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