Example sentences of "be known [that] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has long been known that skilled smallholders , owning their own plots of land , can produce very much more from an acre than large-scale farmers with labourers who can not possibly have the same dedication .
2 The discussion about the service policeman 's job prospects might have been more sanguine had it been known that civil servants in Whitehall were reading a provocative paper on full employment policy .
3 For many years it has been known that black people are more likely than whites to be admitted to hospital for treatment of mental disorder , more likely to be admitted compulsorily following being arrested in a public place by the police and far more likely to be diagnosed as having schizophrenia than white people .
4 It has long been known that amphibian skin contains strong chemicals .
5 It has long been known that phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency exhibits a wide and continuous range of clinical and biochemical severity , varying from a symptomless disorder with phenylalanine accumulation only just greater than in obligate heterozygotes to a severely handicapping condition with plasma phenylalanine concentrations over 20 times normal .
6 It has long been known that pernicious anaemia predisposes to development of gastric adenocarcinoma .
7 Since 1954 it has been known that focal lesions of the inferotemporal cortex produce a severe and abiding impairment in visual discrimination performance in monkeys ( see Dean 1982 ) .
8 It had long been known that some metals gave colours to flames ; but this was an unreliable test , because colours are hard to describe exactly , and because they are usually masked by a brilliant orange-yellow .
9 For a long time it has been known that heavy drinking during pregnancy can badly affect a baby 's development so that when it is born , its face and head are deformed and it is mentally backward .
10 As to schools , a DES spokesperson let it be known that such concerns are left to the LEAs and that studies of this kind are likely to be part of religious education .
11 The Livre des Coutumes of Bordeaux contains a note that ‘ [ In 1259 ] king Henry did homage for Bordeaux , Bayonne and all the land of Gascony [ Gasconha ] which was [ then ] free allod [ franc en alo ] to Louis , king of France … but let it be known that this Gascony was the most free allod that the king of England had , before … king Henry received it back from the French king in homage ’ .
12 Yet if it were known that microcephalic babies ( perhaps older infants as well — would it make a difference ? ) were regularly sold to research laboratories , then there would undoubtedly be an outcry .
13 Such major physical impacts are fairly easy to assess , but not enough work has yet been done to assess the effect of visitors on wildlife itself , though it is known that shy species will decline , while common species will often increase , and that fauna both on land and in water will decline faster than flora ( Liddle and Scorgie , 1980 ) .
14 It is known that fatty acid peroxides inhibit prostacyclin generation ( Moncada et al , 1976 b ; Salmon et al , 1978 ) .
15 This finding may be important , since it is known that chemical modification of lysine amino groups of the apoprotein may interfere with the specific LDL receptor binding and hence clearance of LDL ( Gonen et al , 1981 ; Kim & Kurup , 1982 ; Witzum et al , 1982 ) .
16 Now it is known that ripening tomatoes ripen faster when placed together on a window ledge , because they produce ethylene gas which stimulates their neighbours to faster and synchronous ripening .
17 It is known that all forms of research literature do obsolesce , and that there are considerable differences between the pattern of obsolescence of different subject areas .
18 It is known that Israeli doctors were the first outside medical experts to reach the scene .
19 Dr Andrew Macleod , specialist in endocrinology at St Thomas 's Hospital , London , says : ‘ It is known that increased testosterone improves the libido , but it 's unlikely it will ever be used as a treatment .
20 It is known that that material is stored in the republic and then brought north for use by the terrorists .
21 Returning to the visual system , it is known that simultaneous destruction of both visual cortex and superior colliculus produces complete insensitivity to brief light flashes in monkeys whereas destruction of either structure in isolation has no effect ( Mohler and Wurtz 1977 ) .
22 As pointed out above , it is known that extensive interconnection is a characteristic of the neocortex : thus the great majority of the input to any cell comes from other parts of the neocortex itself , and similarly most of the outputs go to other parts of the neocortex .
23 It is known that such patients may have one of a variety of conditions such as arteriovenous malformations in the small intestine or colon ( including angiodysplasia and telangiectasia ) , Meckel 's diverticulum , Crohn 's disease , and small bowel smooth muscle tumours .
24 It is known that many families emigrated to Canada during the fifty years from 1818 to 1868 and a great number of them came from the crofts .
25 It is known that feral pigeons may convey diseases which are transmissible to man and so large congregations of birds may cause public harm .
26 A good deal of depressive illness is known to follow adverse life events and it is known that human infants show considerable variation in response to separation from their mothers .
27 But it is known that this custom can have dire consequences both for the woman and her children .
28 In the presence of malignancy it is known that different tissues can respond in different ways .
29 ‘ It is known that some door supervisors have convictions and a history of violence .
30 These mediators are probably responsible for pathological changes because it is known that these mediators can induce an inflammatory response by changing capillary permeability , inducing inflammatory cell infiltration , and activating the inflammatory cells .
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