Example sentences of "be making [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 're , yes , they 're , they 're making a present value of
2 Yeah I do n't think they 're doing a great er I do n't think they 're making a great deal of money out of it themselves .
3 ‘ You 're making a right fool of yourself , are n't you ? ’
4 ‘ You 're making a terrible mistake — ’
5 I believe you 're making a terrible mistake . ’
6 Jordan said , ‘ To tell you the truth , I do n't think we 're making a good job of it . ’
7 they 're making a new diary and they want the new words on it
8 They 're making a new dictionary and they want the new words on it
9 So they 're making a new dictionary ?
10 ‘ You 're making a nice job of massacring those burgers , ’ her companion yelled at her man .
11 But on the other hand they 're making a little bit at a pound a pint .
12 I think you 're making a valid point here .
13 ‘ Because you 're making a fuck-awful job of it . ’
14 No you do n't want that , oh you 're making a lovely train here well we 're going to stay at a hotel on the nineteenth this Sunday
15 it is , I said I 've given you a lot of time in the holidays and what have you come in and now you 're making a big song and dance about an hour and she said oh I 'm sorry I did n't mean to speak to you like that , but she did , she was just plain rude and really quite nasty , eh she should of yeah , and she should of told me that I was n't , becomes taking a lunch break and then she said well you could of taken half an hour , I said you did n't tell me well I said to her Matt rung up this morning and said to you , surveyor 's coming up to , at four o'clock , he wants both of us to be there so we know which way the windows will be and all the rest of it , just bear in mind , now I said to her I know it 's short notice but can I please go at four o'clock , she said yeah it is short notice but yeah no problem come in at eight o'clock tomorrow morning as a joke and then she totally changed her attitude when she came back from her thing mm yeah oh yeah that was nice of her well I said to her , I said to her oh I said to her look she would take
16 ‘ You 're making a big mistake , Sir , ’ he said .
17 Yeah , well they 're making a big deal out of it are n't they ?
18 You 're making an absolute fool of yourself . ’
19 If John Major and Kenneth Clarke think that they can ignore the anger and the distress of millions of pensioners , they 're making an enormous mistake .
20 ‘ I 'm afraid you 're making an illegitimate leap from fact to value .
21 ‘ Ah , but you see , you 're making the same mistake again ! ’
22 Now the point I 'm trying to make — the reason I sent you to that 2D universe — is that I reckon we 're making the same mistake — about the space of our universe .
23 I feel that if I am not with her I will be making a great mistake , missing a real opportunity .
24 Although I listened with interest to the case adduced by the hon. Member for Honiton ( Sir P. Emery ) , the Chairman of the Procedure Committee which has made the recommendations , I still believe that the House would be making a great mistake to accept the motion , for it would add to the automatic nature , as it were , of debates and would play into the hands of the Government of the day , thereby strengthening their position over that of the House .
25 Mr Paul might be making a great deal of money and becoming famous , and she 'd heard they had asked him to accept an honorary doctorate , whatever good that might do .
26 Bush stressed that he would not be making a final decision until he had heard the reports from Cheney and Powell .
27 The Communist Party , he told Mr Gysi , would be making a serious error if he went ahead and fought the planned May elections on a manifesto which simply warned reunification would be a victory for the right .
28 Sir Geraint was thought to be making a good recovery in hospital after suffering a minor heart attack at his home near Aberystwyth .
29 If anyone claims to be making a factual statement , then they ought to be able to state what observations would be relevant to determining the truth or falsity of that statement .
30 Local MP Sir Wyn Roberts , the Minister of State for Wales , said he will be making a personal report to the Prime Minister this afternoon at the Welsh Tory conference at Llangollen .
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