Example sentences of "be possible [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Take whatever steps are possible to cool the body below 102°F ( 38.9°C ) as quickly as possible whilst awaiting expert help .
2 If it had only been possible to hold the conference without him !
3 A IT was Powdery Mildew and it might have been possible to save the Begonias .
4 Until recently , it has not been possible to use the Census to follow a particular group of people through their lives ( but see Fox and Goldblatt above ) , but it is perfectly feasible to study the changing population structure of , say , a particular district .
5 By producing precisely controlled changes in the concentrations of nutrients or salts in the blood it has been possible to explore the role of factors like blood glucose level or cellular dehydration in eating and drinking ( LeMagnen 1985 ; Rolls and Rolls 1982 ) .
6 It has not been possible to assess the state of their health , but fishermen have advised marine biologists that the area contains very little food .
7 Until quite recently it has not been possible to track the land use implications of such economic and social changes in any detail .
8 Recall the requirements of this principle ( cf. 6.1 ) that ‘ all occurrences of a given variant are noted , and where it has been possible to define the variable as a closed set of variants , all non-occurrences of the variant in the relevant circumstances ’ ( Labov 1982a : 30 ) .
9 It is the recognition of this principle and its implications which is particularly characteristic of Labov 's approach to data : ‘ for the section of speech being examined all occurrences of a given variant are noted , and where it has been possible to define the variables as a closed set of variants , all non-occurrences in the relevant environments ’ ( Labov 1982a : 30 ) .
10 Proceedings in a Dutch court were begun by a document transmitted under the Hague Convention to a local court in Germany which certified under Article 6 that it had not been possible to serve the document .
11 In the social dialectology carried out in Belfast , however , quantification was necessary : if it had been possible to do the work without quantifying , we would have done it that way !
12 At the time when the payments were made , it had not been possible to identify the amounts in dispute .
13 At the time when the payments were made , it had not been possible to identify the amounts in dispute .
14 After a decade of severe staffing pressures it has been possible to achieve the objective of currency only by accepting reductions in the standard of the catalogue information provided to readers ( for example , the Library does not have the resources to supply subject information to reduced records acquired from the British Library ) , and by continuing not to assign much-needed additional staff resources for the essential work of the proper management of aspects of the Online Catalogue ( for example , authority control ) , in order to make consultation of the Catalogue easier for
15 Moreover , the attention the association has paid to cinema has offered a space in which it has been possible to raise the issue of the production and distribution of narrative and dramatic works in African languages .
16 Moreover , by relating this information to data on spreading rates , the directions of relative plate motions derived from the analysis of earthquakes , and palaeomagnetic evidence of continental palaeolatitudes , it has been possible to establish the direction and speed of present-day plate motions and what is probably a fairly accurate history of movements over the past 200 Ma or so ( Fig. 2.16 ) .
17 By analysing the evidence of many hoards it has been possible to establish the dating of the annual moneyers with a fair degree of accuracy , to within about five to ten years , although the process is by no means complete and new hoards continue to suggest revisions .
18 It has not been possible to pass the disease on to animals or to human volunteers by inoculation of the organism .
19 The new chairman , Dr David Swallow , says that it has not been possible to ascertain the impact of these adjustments on the interim results for the six months ended 30 June 1991 , and the directors consider it would not be practical to restate those results .
20 That is why it has been possible to locate the roots of pleasure in the synapses — and why it has been possible to find the roots of withdrawal there , too .
21 All the responsibility has been thrown on to the regulatory body OFTEL , when it might have been possible to help the market work better .
22 The British Museum acquired some of these pieces knowingly , as examples of modern fakes , and by examining the pieces in the scanning electron microscope ( see glossary ) using microanalysis and digital-mapping techniques it has been possible to plot the concentration of the cadmium over the soldered surfaces .
23 As a result , it has been possible to interpret the experience of history as justifying or reinforcing an attachment to empirical problem-solving and to the virtues of cooperation and trust .
24 Thus it has been possible to study the behaviour of the basin basement using a measure derived from the basement formations .
25 In recent years it has been possible to study the mechanisms involved in the regulation postprandial gall bladder motility in detail because of the development of sensitive and specific radioimmunoassays for measurement of CCK and the availability of ultrasonography and cholescintigraphy as non-invasive methods to measure human gall bladder motility .
26 That is why it has been possible to locate the roots of pleasure in the synapses — and why it has been possible to find the roots of withdrawal there , too .
27 They were seen to be working in the same direction and although it has not yet been possible to gauge the extent to which they help in the task of managing new education , their contribution to quality assurance should , by tradition , be valuable .
28 Possibly , the River Thames had a very different appearance and variations in its route , so it would not have been possible to pin-point the position of Chiswick which now lies nestled in a compact ‘ U ’ bend of the river .
29 The reason why it has been possible to maintain the semblance of continuity since Adenauer is that the soubriquet is still ‘ Europe ’ .
30 The series aspect of any element is illustrated in the blow-up of figure 9.16(c) and application of Kirchhoff 's voltage law to this aspect gives or This time note that it has been possible to neglect the change in the current phasor I over the infinitesimal element as it only leads to terms that are second order in smallness .
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