Example sentences of "be done accord [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When this operation has been done according to the conventional wisdom you then decide whether you like where you are apparently going to end up .
2 It is quite impossible , and very misleading to suggest , that pruning can be done according to the calendar .
3 Second antibody and subsequent incubations were done according to the specifications of a Vectastain ABC Kit ( Vector Laboratories ) and colour was visualized with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine .
4 Annealing of the primers and sequencing reactions were done according to the protocol with the Pharmacia T7 sequencing kit ( see Figure 1 ) .
5 ‘ While we support the idea of lifting in the line-out — after the ball as been thrown in — we would not agree with the quick throw-in unless it is done according to the line-out rules ’ , said Rowlands .
6 Calmodulin was iodinated by Bolton-Hunter reagent ( NEN ) and the labelling of the blot by calmodulin was done according to the method of Flanagan et al ..
7 The endoscopic staging of ulcers was done according to the standard Japanese protocol : Briefly , the active stage of ulcer has a crater without surrounding regenerative mucosa , the healing stage of ulcer has an area of deformity , a patch of erythema , and a small residual crater , and the scar stage of ulcer has radiating folds but no crater .
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