Example sentences of "be sitting in a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We 're sitting in a pub in South London , near the Elephant & Castle , waiting for Guy Chadwick , the mastermind behind The House Of Love , purveyors of some of the best guitar-band pop of the '80s .
2 ‘ When you 're sitting in a pub and discussing the merits of the Beatles , you mention that and people look at you sideways .
3 I mean , if you 're sitting in a pub at night and some guys are showing off in a corner going ‘ Hey , what do you do , dude ’ and you go ‘ Well , I 'm a bobsleigher , actually ’ it tends to shut people up I should imagine , does n't it ?
4 He is one of the few comedians who , when someone truthfully observes , ‘ I say , you 're sitting in a dustbin ’ , can make the classic reply , ‘ Oh , so I am ’ sound like an hilarious joke . ’
5 Now , I 'd rather be sitting in a car than standing on a crowded platform , but there was n't much in the way of light relief on the radio .
6 Sometimes we 'll all be sitting in a circle on the floor , but not always .
7 He may be sitting in a hospital bed somewhere in Italy at this very moment , wondering who he is and why he knows all these long words like hermeneutics . ’
8 Sometimes if I 'm sitting in a bar , I 'm teased by strangers , who think I 'm a homosexual .
9 In the Western world , unless you are sitting in a canoe in the middle of the Atlantic it is almost impossible to be far from the sight of food .
10 The musicians are sitting in a row on the edge of the roof , facing inwards .
11 The class are sitting in a circle .
12 Dolores O'Riordan and three other blokes and me are sitting in a van that 's parked in a yard behind Charlie 's Bar where later on The Cranberries will bring tears to the eyes of grown men and ensure that all present can say ‘ yes ’ when asked if their weekend was happy and filled with nice things .
13 This is a good exercise to practise if you are sitting in a restaurant or on a train journey — but do n't let your chosen subject catch you staring or you might get a reaction you had n't bargained for !
14 Or if you are sitting in a room , look around you and see how many things there are more than two of .
15 A lady phoned in saying she 'd been sitting in a café when some animal rights campaigners carrying collection tins arrived and ordered a meal .
16 ‘ Way you go , Patty , ’ he said softly , and the dog was off , hurling herself along the embankment , all paws and flying ears , after a rabbit who had been sitting in a patch of sun but disappeared with contemptuous ease as she came close .
17 Ever since , for nearly two months , it 's been sitting in a garage .
18 You 've been sitting in a side road waiting to come out , and you see a vehicle coming along and it 's got its left-hand indicator on and you think Oh lovely !
19 Later that evening they had been sitting in a restaurant and Maggie had looked at Tom and said , her delicate face and long neck almost visibly aquiver with pleasure ,
20 Lee was cold suddenly as if she were sitting in a seawind .
21 They were sitting in a pub in Kingly Street .
22 Several strange-looking animals were lying in a field , and some were sitting in a tree .
23 They were sitting in a hollow in the centre of the orchard , their hands on their heads .
24 And because we were sitting in a bar in central Africa , and there was nowhere else they could go to buy a drink , they had no choice but to sit and listen .
25 The bussed consignment of grooms had arrived and were sitting in a group wearing Race Train T-shirts above their jeans .
26 It was as though I were sitting in a movie and my actions were flashing in front of my eyes .
27 If we were sitting in a room and someone came in talking or making a noise , Dawn would panic and it would take me a few minutes to calm her down .
28 What possesses a grown man to pretend he is sitting in a psychiatrist 's chair on radio and ask celebrities questions in a lilting Irish accent about their mummies and daddies ?
29 A typical example is one in which the subject is sitting in a window lit by daylight .
30 When I emerge from the cabin , Teddy is sitting in a sunchair on the opposite balcony giving me a knowing look .
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